
Archive for January, 2005

the first most important thing that you should and must know about econs is : it’s sucks. ok?? ok.. 接下来.. 我们来讨论

Macro Econs about Expansionary :: Fiscal Policy.

1. Firstly, you must understand that in fiscal policy, you are about moving the tax or the government spending, as it’s the component of the IS’s curve (Go,To). yes… lets assume the question is telling you that the Government spending is goes up, and the also goes up. As we know, the government spending goes up will lead to the change in IS curve, which will shift the IS curve to the right. 虽然 increase in tax will make the IS curve is going to shift left, but, as we assume the change in Gov spending is the same as the change in tax rate. so it’ll end up to shift right. (delta gov > delta tax)

2.Secondly, as the IS curve will causing output to raise (increase in demand for good and services at the point y1), then it’ll affect the AD curve below. (which component is also Go, To, and Mo). therefore, as AD curve shift to the right, the price will also increase from P0 to P1. and when the price increase to P1, as we know, price level will increase in response, a fall in supply of liquid assets (Mo). then the affect of change in liquid assets will lead the LM curve (Mo, Po) to shift abit to left. (Mo,P1). now, this is when the keynesian stops. (Fixed labour and output).

3.Thirdly, when we’re looking through the classical economy, the point B mention up there will still be moving until it’s new equilibrium at C. i told u why. when the AD curve shifts to the right, told u before that the price will goes up yes? ya.. thats it. the price goes up, and the real wage will goes down. also instead, increased output from Yo to Y1 also have some effects to economy. :: which is : increased output will lead to excess demand of labour. the company will need as much as labour. then unemployment is decreased. when the price is going up, the Real wage (Wo/Po) is higher that (Wo/P1). so the labour will negotiate with the company owner, then the real wage is going up. when the money wage goes up short run aggregate supply shifts to the left, causeing price levels to increase More! further. so, as the result, economy is restored to its original place (Yo) (classical view) final result will be : there’s no output changes, price and the interest rate is going up, of course, investment goes down. the real wage is not change. (althou the price is going up.)

Ok.. shall we move to the next step? as we go further, let me remind you just once more… that the most important thing, you should know about econs is… : it’s sucks. ok?? ok we”lll continue on.

Macro econs about Expansionary :: Monetary Policy.

1. Monetary policy is about to moving the LM curve (the component is : Ms a.k.a money supply, and price.) yes lets assume the government is broke and he’s borrowing from the central bank. the bank is so pissed off then he’ll follow the gov’s order. as the result, the money supply that spread through the country is increasing (LM curve shifts right), will lead to increase price (AD curve also move upward.

2. The increase in price will shift the LM curve to the left. As a result, LM shifts to LM1 and Ad at point A shifts to point B. the real wage (Wo/P1) is lower than (W1/P1). therefore, at the next negotiation, workers will negotiate to have a higher money wage, as money wage increases, SAS shifts to SAS1. it causes price to increase More Further. to P2. The increase in price will make the Lm curve shift again to LM2.

the final result is : output hasn’t changed as well as the real wage. however money suppy and price has been changed.

This is the Expansionary of both policies that i mention. dont forget that actually, there’s 4 models, 2 expand, 2 contra. ok guys.. i think im fu**in tired to write this explanation. as well as my english is not so much improved, i think i’ll rather write my blog with chinese words.. thanks … =9


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房东今天中午有跟陈思聊.. 她说我们房子虽然7,8月份没人在, 还是要交差不多600新币/月.. 昨天我对自己发誓今天不打游戏, 时间拿来看书.. 然后休息.. 哈. 好像我休息时间比看书还要长.. 郁闷啊..唉.. 我还是赶快看tut问题.. 多多练习.. 志良加油啊..!!

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Econs Econs Econs..

这礼拜二有经济测验.. 今天上soci..发现我对这门的吸收能力满不错, 老师解释也很不错.. 深入浅出.. 我看着半天这bureau crazy 还是满复杂地….. 上完课咱们这一帮就去megabytes吃东西.. (比对面餐厅高级些… 专门卖西餐) 说有钱人也不是,.. eh.. 突然想到 teguh.. “塔固” <–北京人的标准发音..^^ 嗯… 下午这一位"塔固" 发短信给我.. 问我要不要买 3双 10块 "耐克" 的襪子.. 我说"要" 然后他叫我去自己去牛车水买… =.= 白痴 呀? …… 刚我妈打电话.. 被骂.. 叫我好好念书.. =.= 再会了.. 我先读一点书.. Tuesday 要测验啦… 大家加油一下.. 这次要考好a.. 3Q3Q

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Math Math Math

今天交数学作业..不知不觉快要Mock exam了.. 不知不觉我快要20岁了.. hao kong bu a… @_@ 在学校通常我年龄最小.. 现在不至于了.. 真是的.. 明天上经济学, 然后上Tutorial, 6.00pm上统计学… 到九点.. 明天要认真学经济了.. 学啊学啊..虽然没事干,但是, 总是脑袋也一定要装些知识啊.. 要出人头地啦.. ..後会有期! 大家晚安..

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红楼梦… I Have A Dream

(真实故事)Wah.. hari selasa pagi gue bangun dengan terkaget2.. gue semalem mimpi aneh.. kemungkinan gara2 gue kemaren malemnye nonton 12monkeys .. sampe jem 2an… tiba2 gue bisa mimpi yg nonsense kyk gitu… ceritanya gue travel ke masa depan.. setelah gue peratiin, gue ketemu ada ferdy (hari itu gue jg ada chat sama ferdy … makanye ceritanye ada sangkutnye sama ferdy jg..) ketemu si yulia, (gue waktu kyknye care banget ama die gue jg kaga jelas gue lupa2 inget.. pkknye dekeett banget dah) nah abisitu gue liat langit2 gelap gitu, tiba2 buanyaaaaaak banget org2 lari ke arah gua, dibelakang gue ada 2 gym yg gede, orang2 pada kabur kesitu semua, gymnya ada yg didepan sama yg dibelakang, tiba2 gue tanya orang yg lagi lari kenapa, orang nya bilang ribuan robot2 pada bantai manusia oy.. @_@ hahah lol gua ampe ketawa2 neh nyeritainnye.. sori people.. namanye jg mimpi.. yg pasti agak2 ridi2 la.. hahaha lanjut cerita neh.. nah pada saat itu ada orang yg bertempur jg ngelindungin yg pada kabur.., die orang pergi ke gym yg depan ngehalangin sambil 挡住 invasion para2 robot ke gym2.. nah abisitu gue liat robot2nye dah pada bantai org2 yg berusaha kabur.. yg resistance jg pada dibantai2… gua sama ferdy da siap2 迎敌 aje.. da kyk jagoan dah gua sama si ferdi.. didepan 领导大家们一起上!! abisitu robot2nye pada 包围 gym yg da diblakang, yg didepan da di 占领 da kg ada sisa kehidupan…. ya uda gue, yulia ama ferdi paling depan sambil siap tempur.. tiba2 gue liat pintu utama gymnya kebuka.. gila silauuuuuuuu banget!! pas silau2 gitu eh.. tiba2 da pagi.. -.-a… ya.. akhir ceritanye gue jg kagak tau apakah manusia akan musnah? ato itu hanya impian ku belaka? lol… gile.. serem bo..

ya hari selasa ini gue 上经济.. stelah itu gue bantuin bikin powerpoint, betulin kom org.. ya pulangnye si chris minta dabao pula… ya uda gue beliin 五块的可爱鸡!!! wo zi ji chi 2 ge ji chi bang, jia fan.. wah lao.. hao bao ya.. ^^ ok da jia.. wo yao zhao yi dian shui.. ming tian shang sociology’s consultation.. tmd … =.= ai… 睡眠不足..

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Was a fun..

Hari minggu.. seharian diruma aja tu nonton the kids, masak2.. nga terasa besok da skula lagi.. @_@da jem 00.30 am neh.. gue tadi di telp si liling.. doh bner2 hen fan banget.. =.= fark fark fark … besok 打算 baca sosio, abisitu kerjain pr buat hari sabtu depan.. kalo bisa baca2 buku giddens jg.. besok jgn lupa tanda tangan da baca giddens nee.. =) hehe ok besok si krizia jg bawa laptop sama webcamnya, gue jg bawa de.. di skul sampe malem kali ye?? hehe

oh ya tadi gue makan sambil liat 我猜我猜我猜猜猜.. heheh bisitu jadi inget si 王敏’s 成语.. 人不可貌象… we can’t see people’s behave from its physical appearance.. doh belepotan neh inggris gue.. lol.. malem earthlings.. oh ya besok gue mau nonton desperate wifes ah.. hehe kyknye kocak2 gt.. southpark jg coba2 dwnlod… ^^

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boling pulang..

today boling da pulang.. tadi ke simlim nyari Wow.. tapi kgk ada.. mesti booking dulu dari jau hari kalo kgk.. ya kgk kedapetan.. bisito gue pigi ke harbour front nganterin si aling… ketemu si agnes sama si xin ting (erick) pula.. hehe =.= o ye agnes met bday yg ke 19 yeh.. @_@

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boling datang..

boling hari ini dateng ke spore sama ncinye sama temennye… tadi gue kire2 jem 5 an nyamperin die di bugis, eh taunye die da di chinatown.. jadi gue ke chinatown dah nyamperin diel.. abisitu pegi ke orched nonton “hotel rwanda” felemnye mayan.. tapi gue bilang seh biasa aja… kgk bagus2 amat… stela itu makan di burger king.. pas mau pulang ketemu jason.. die nonton elektra.. doh padahal gue mau nonton elektra neeee =.= haiz.. ye uda kpn2 aja dah… ato kgk gue dwnload aje nontonnye.. bulan ini mesti irit2… ^^ met malemm =)

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wa cao.. wo jin tian si dian ban shang econs tutorial.. zai xue xiao fu xi econs.. haonan… chao fu za.. shang wu chi ning mong ji fan, xia wu chi ken de ji.. wo he chris qu plaza chi kfc ma.. ranhou dian 3kuai tao chan.. wah lao… na ge tu shang mian de han bao kan qi lai man da de, ke shi.. haiz.. hai shi chi bu bao… wo ling wai huan mashed potatoe with cheesefries… jia yi kuai wu mao.. hai hao hai hao.. man bao de.. chris du zi hai e, na zan men qu 7-11 mai ling shi.. ta mai 2kuai ban de hua sheng.. hao gui a.. yi xia xia jiu mei you le.. =.= ran hou wo qu top up.. top wan up zhi hou jiao broadband fei.. $84.. ni ma.. hao gui a.. ran hou ti kuan, kan atm na bian you hao duo ren zai pai dui, na zan men liang jiu qu lou xia fairprice mai dong xi, wo mai le xiao bai cai, chuan rou, hai you fei zhao.. wo zhe yi ci yong dettol.. @_@ nen nen bai bai.. hehehe.. mai le zhi hou.. qu atm chun qian.. ranhou hui jia.. da dota.. bei ren jia gangbang.. haiz.. woyao shui le.. zai jian la..

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today my parents give me a call from surabaya.. =.= so kaypo sia.. yeap.. today finally gue ngeliat buku giddens.. stebel gitu da selese baca.. tapi kalo ditanyain tadi gue baca ape.. ye… lupa kali ye?? baca2 2 jem bisitu ketiduran bentar.. kgk makan siang.. makan sore doang.. wah kurus sia neh gua.. ya.. males makan pula.. tadi sosi lec nonton pelemnye si setip taylor.. ttg globalisation.. eh si jin xin jg baru balik dari cina die.. gila emang tu anak.. vacation 1bulan.. =.= gmane 赶课.. doh doh @_@ sob sob …

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