
Archive for June, 2007

HDB hunt..

gw hari ini pegi dianterin ma fang dong gue ber2, suami istri ternyata dia org masi muda juga.. beda 8 taon ma suaminye, beda 4 taon ma istrinye.. gue diajak ngeliat 1 rumah di lantai 8, di daerah bishan situ, lokasinya gue kira strategis, tapi kalo diliat dari google earth kayaknya nga jhuga… 1700 with aircon 3+1 kamar kayaknya not worth it…

1. rumahnya lumayan gede in size wise, common room nya bisa tinggal ber2, main room ber2, total bisa ber5 buat 3 kamar.
2. seberang ada bishan park gede banget, jadi lumayan adem. (nga ada ac)
3. dapur, ruang tengah, sofa, kulkas, kondisi bagus.
4. ada direct bus ke SIM dan Bugis.

1. $1700 agaknya terlalu mahal, mau kontrak langsung 2 taon.
3. HDB nya dah 15taon, lumayan tua, lift berenti di setiap 2 lantai.
4. water heater kgk ada, yg di main wc da tua.
5. nga ada table blajar, kursi blajar.
6. lokasinya jauh dari MRT, mesti jalan 5menit ke bus stop.

well.. sabtu minggu ini gue bakalan abisin waktu gue nyari rumah.. kerja.. bukannya liburan.. sighs. oh ye btw gue ma albert kerja di peoplesearch, agen pencari pekerja semacam jobsdb gitu.. kerja nya bosenin, 6 dolar per hour, kerja dari jam 8:30am ampe 5:30, well skrg gara2 telat mulu jadi jem 9:00am startnye.. die org di kantornya ada morning exercise gt.. mesti pake baju kemeja+pants gitu gw jadi malu sendiri.. 1 hari cuman earn 48dolar gayanye dah kayak exmud.. lol… btw kerjaanye terrible banget… monotonous abis…. and now i’m quite fed up with it..too bad gue da sign 1 month contract.. f***…

data entry emang kayak gini.. plan gw blajar php pas liburan gagal lagi.. kayaknya gw mau beralih ke asp.net aja… sambil tanya kiri kanan buat microsoft certification… sighz.. gw ngliaatin
resume org2 tiap hari kerjaannye.. ngeliat die org2 semua yg kerja di perbankan pada ngecuan gila2an.. ada yg 250k jg.. omg.. >.< kapan yaaaaa gw bisa 🙂

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The conversation I’ve made recently through sms between me and my cousin in US makes me feel somewhat inspired. He suggested that I should put an effort to comprehends the ASP.NET, and recommends me to make my own portfolio, all year’s achievements and I think I already have an abstract idea what am I going to do for the next few days.

First thing first, since I’m not good at designing things, I’ll look at some of the templates (css, html) on the internet. Simple, clean, neat and tidy, something like Mozilla’s websites.. the portfolio should contain my intro, profile details, skills and achievements. But one little problem is where am I going to host the site at. Most preferably on my own computer, but I’m scared of the dynamic IP changes that makes URL link to my site broken. The server itself needs to recognize lots of server side scripting language like php, asp.net, maybe some flash, and I’ll make my portfolio PDF – downloadable, and make the interface as friendly as I can.

I don’t know how much time it takes to make these happen as I’m currently also working in a chocolate shop as a part timer and at night I’m also having a world of warcraft farming schedule, the time is pretty much tight, need to go to the gym to have some workout with albert also.. I don’t know which one i’m going to sacrifice…

Well… talking about gold farming schedule, I can probably get 100 gold maximum for each hour and it also depends on the much more complicated contingency, farming the primal fire, primal air at the elemental plateau is very much a boring task, and to overcome this I’ve came up with a new solution as farming goes on, I’m also watching serial movies at the same time. Last time I spent 2 weeks of farming and watching 2 sessions of prison break at the same time, and as I finished the serial, I earned like.. 5k gold… I’m not considered as a hardcore gamer anymore, I played for fun and basically to earn some pocket cash, I’ve been thinking to sell my account but.. the offer price isn’t pretty much decent.. well.. idk.. it depends on how do I’m going to treat, perhaps as a liability? or an asset? The account surely makes more money in the long term as I farmed lots of gold using it, but if I don’t farm enough it’ll become a liability as it requires 50 bucks for 2 months.

Yesterday one of my friends told me that MOM (Singapore ministry of manpower) changed its student employment regulation, saying that we can now officially work as a part timer, no more than 16hours per week in Singapore, and it doesn’t require a work permit. I’m very glad to hear this good news…


An application server is software that helps a web server process web pages containing server-side scripts or tags. When such a page is requested from the server, the web server hands the page off to the application server for processing before sending the page to the browser. e.g: If you have access to a server running Microsoft Internet Information Server 5 (IIS) with the .NET Framework, you can choose ASP.NET. PHP is an option if you have access to a web server with a PHP application server; JSP is an option if you have access to a web server with a JSP application server (such as Macromedia JRun).

A web application is a website that contains pages with partly or entirely undetermined content. The final content of these pages is determined only when a visitor requests a page from the web server. Because the final content of the page varies from request to request based on the visitor’s actions, this kind of page is called a dynamic page.

A web server is software that sends out web pages in response to requests from web browsers. A page request is generated when a visitor clicks a link on a web page in the browser, selects a bookmark in the browser, or enters a URL in the browser’s address text box.

A static page is a web page that is not modified by an application server before the page is sent to a browser.

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考完试大家觉得轻松多了,接下来我就要去努力应征求职。还有很多事要做,包括健身(我和我朋友以已约好时间,每礼拜至少两三次去健身),然后我还要学怎么用PHP, Java语言来搞编程,能做一个简单的软件就已经心满意足了。

我父母亲在这儿到十七号左右。趁这几天来表现出我对父母的孝顺吧。我过去曾经让我父母失望,经常顶嘴无礼,我心里就觉得很后悔。有些事情令我对母亲感到讨厌而且生气,但过几个小时想想,为了小事情而闹得很大也说实话,很笨。所以呢,有时候我不得不生气就立刻看着我手上有刻着孟郊的游子吟…. 然后我就赶快跟我妈道歉.. 孝顺父母…

翻译: 慈祥的母亲在孩子即将远行的时候,忍著内心的悲伤,一针 一线为其缝制衣服,深怕他受涷著凉,一方面又担心他不知 何年何月才能回来相聚,母亲这份慈爱与关切,真不是我们 微小的心意所能报答。

赏析: 这首游子吟是藉著游子感恩之心,来表达母爱的伟大。上帝 无法照顾到每一个人,所以才创造出母亲。母亲关爱子女, 呵护子女,完全是出自於天性,毫无保留、毫无怨言,就像
游子吟裏的慈母,把自己的爱心与期盼,完全溶入一针一线 裏,让人读了好似一股暖流通过心底。我们只要体会出这番 意境,把感恩的心付诸行动,就不枉费诗人的一番苦心了

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EICT – summary

Different Programming approaches:

  1. functional (LISP, ML)
  2. Procedural (Pascal, C)
  3. Modular
  4. Object – Oriented

Functional: Based on the principle of using functions to manipulate symbol expressions (functions take one or more items of data (symbolic expressions), process the data and outputs a single value from the data manipulation as a result

Procedural: Based on algorithmic solutions and procedures, which are applied to data structures (used widely, highly effective but major problem: integration of different parts of a system when many developer work on the system.

Modular: Programs are constructed from smaller component parts called modules.

Object Oriented: extension of modular programming (Java, C++) – representations of data and algorithms that are to be manipulated are packaged together into programming structures called objects. These are derived from templates called Classes. Features: 1.Object can be created from classes. 2.Classes in turn can be combined together in a number of different ways, including inheritance. 3.Inheritance is a method for constructing a complex class by combining simpler classes that have been constructed previously.

Stepwise refinement: take the specification and turning it into a program: outline the major steps required by your program until you reach the point where a sub-step would correspond to a statement into your program. (pseudocode)


1.Compile time errors (syntax errors).

2. Run time errors (logical errors)

– input not being entered correctly

– routines that process the input including incorrect calculations.

– logical flow of the program being incorrect.

– sections of the program outputting the results displaying the information.

Providing test plans: state the purpose of the test, state the input, expected output, actual output.

Main function of the program: process and manipulate information.

Information in programs is manipulated in program statements called expressions

expressions: taken from operand and operator ( + – / *, etc)

variables: any operand can be replaced by another type of operand called a variable. ( containers for data)

constant variables: single unchangeable value

Data types:

integers. (integer number)

real numbers (floating point numbers)

pieces of text (strings)

logical values (Booleans) – true or false, logical operators + comparison operators.

Program control structures: 1. repetition 2. selection.


FOR: when you know how many times the loop will be repeated.

DO WHILE: when the number of repetitions for the loop is unknown.

REPEAT UNTIL: terminating conditions is checked at the end of the loop.

Selection: IF THEN ELSE.

Passing parameters: by value / reference

Passing by value: the value of the variable being passed is copied and given to the variable specified in the parameter list. The value is not affecting the other value in the other procedures.

Adv: restrict the chances of variables being changed unintentionally

Disadv: extra memory + time is needed to store copies of all data.

Passing by parameters: the value of variable being passed is not copied, instead the variable in the parameter list is “linked” to the original variable; if any changes are made to the values of variables listed in the parameter list, the values of the variables passed will also be affected.

Making your program easy to understand:

  1. putting comments in your program.
  2. using meaningful variable and procedure names
  3. breaking the program down into meaningful subtask
  4. creating program layout by alignment (indentation), prgrm statements and space.

How we develop DBMS: ANSI / SPARK model

  1. external level: represents the way data is viewed by individual users.
  2. conceptual level: represents the logical (inherent) structure of data
  3. internal level: represents the way data is physically constructed.

CODD (1970) A relational database is a database that is perceived by the user as a collection of normalized relations of assorted degrees.

DBMS consist: data, software, hardware, users.

Database protection including: recovery, concurrency control, security, system recovery is based on transaction recovery (commit, rollback transaction)

Concurrency control: locking mechanism: x – exclusive (only one transaction at a time can hold such a lock on a specific row. s – shared (more than one transaction at a time can hold such a lock on a specific row, it’s used when data is read.

LAN (local area network) topologies:

Star: highly fault tolerant: break in the network cabling will only disable one computer.

Bus: requires less wiring than a star, but it is completely disabled if the network cable is cut (Ethernet)

Ring: ring has the same problem as a bus, but it is easier to coordinate.

Repeater: a repeater connects two LAN cables together by monitoring the signals on a cable and transfers an amplified copy of the signal onto the other cable to which it is interlinked. There’s no intelligence in a repeater; it is merely a simple copying device (to some extent, the error is also propagated.)

Bridges: connects 2 LANs together, bridges can identify individual frames, reduces the propagation of errors across joined LANs.

Switches: a bridge with many LANs connected to it, very fast multiport bridge – adv: flexibility.

COMER (1997): a packet switch is the basic building block of WAN (Wide Area Networks.) a WAN is formed by interconnecting a set of packet switches and then connecting computers. Additional switches or interconnections can be added as needed to increase the capacity of the WAN.

Control information composed of 2 parts:

specifies the destination station.

Next switch that the packet should be sent to on its way to the destination station.

Each switch in the network contains routing table: consist every destination station address that exists in the WAN and the address of the next location that a packet must be sent to reach that destination.

Routing table requirements:

Universal routing: must have an entry for every possible destination station, each entry must indicate the next switch to which the packet must be forwarded.

Optimal rules: next switch indicated must be the next step on the shortest path to the packet’s destination. (Dijkstra’s Algorithm)

COMER (1997): An agreement that specifies the format and meaning of message computer exchange is known as a communication protocol. Application programs that use a network do not interact directly with the network hardware. Instead an application interacts with protocol software that follows the rules of a given protocol when communicating.

7 Layer reference model: Physical, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application.

A router is a specific purpose computer dedicated to the task of interconnecting networks. A router can interconnect networks that use different technologies including different media, physical addressing schemes or frame formats.

An internet consists of a set of networks interconnected by routers. The internet scheme allows each organization to choose the number or type of networks. The number of routers to use to interconnect them and the exact interconnection topology.

A communication protocol must then (TCP/IP)

1. translate the data into packets

2. translate the packets into frames.

3. map the virtual network address onto real physical address.

4. route the data between computers across various linking networks.

TCP/IP’s layer: Physical, Network interface, Internet, Transport, Application layers.

IP: Internet Protocol: responsible for making sure those packets are sent to their intended destination. (covers physical layer, network interface and internet)

TCP: Transport Control Protocol: Implement the above reliability requirements by adding acknowledgement to the IP communication process. (guarantees no packet duplication/loss)

A server is a networked application that waits for a client to begin a relationship with it, services the needs of the client and then ends the relationship. Transport layer of TCP/IP uses 16bit numbers called protocol port numbers or ports to define a series of “entry” points to a computer.

Communication occurs by a networked application (a client) sending a message (a packet) to the transport layer software with an address designating the destination computer and the port that the destination network application (the server) is connected to. A networked application waiting for communication effectively “listens” to a port until a packet is passed to the port via the transport layer software.

A DNS server is effectively a reference table that contains the names and corresponding IP addresses of a particular domain. Each domain has a DNS service, and all DNS servers are linked in a hierarchy, which reflects the hierarchy of the DNS. Each networked application will know the IP address of the local domain’s DNS server. When a networked application wishes to find the IP address of a domain name, it will send a request to the local DNS server. The DNS server will attempt to translate the name. If it cannot, it passes the request up the hierarchy to the DNS server of the next highest level. Request are passed up and down the DNS hierarchy until a translation IP address is found. The DNS service then replies with this information to the requesting networked application. The application can then proceed with sending the original message. The use of a hierarchy of DNS servers prevents the congestion of a dingle server.

Summary: 1NF

  • A relation is in 1NF if it contains no repeating groups
  • To convert an unnormalised relation to 1NF either:
  • Flatten the table and change the primary key, or
  • Decompose the relation into smaller relations, one for the repeating groups and one for the non-repeating groups.
  • Remember to put the primary key from the original relation into both new relations.
  • This option is liable to give the best results.

Summary: 2NF

  • A relation is in 2NF if it contains no repeating groups and no partial key functional dependencies
  • Rule: A relation in 1NF with a single key field must be in 2NF
  • To convert a relation with partial functional dependencies to 2NF. create a set of new relations:
  • One relation for the attributes that are fully dependent upon the key.
  • One relation for each part of the key that has partially dependent attributes

Summary: 3NF

  • A relation is in 3NF if it contains no repeating groups, no partial functional dependencies, and no transitive functional dependencies
  • To convert a relation with transitive functional dependencies to 3NF, remove the attributes involved in the transitive dependency and put them in a new relation
  • Rule: A relation in 2NF with only one non-key attribute must be in 3NF
  • In a normalised relation a non-key field must provide a fact about the key, the whole key and nothing but the key.
  • Relations in 3NF are sufficient for most practical database design problems. However, 3NF does not guarantee that all anomalies have been removed.

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my own stupidity…

gue kelebihan bayar 20 dolar perbulan juga die kaga ngomong.. what the f**k…. sighs…

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