
Archive for March, 2008






  1. 第一印象的形成有一半以上内容与外表有关。不仅是一张漂亮的脸蛋就够了,还包括体态、气质、神情和衣着的细微差异。
  2. 第一印象有大约40%的内容与声音有关。音调、语气、语速、节奏都将影响第一印象的形成。
  3. 第一印象中只有少于10%的内容与言语举止有关。

试验显示,见到一个陌生人时,你头发的样式比面部特征更能吸引对方的注意。长发暗示着健康和性感,短发看起来自信而成功,自然、中长、没有特定款式的发 型,则让人感觉智慧和真实。此外,握手也能传递重要信息。研究发现,那些握手时目光和你直接接触、手掌干燥、坚定有力、自然摆动—而不是无力、潮湿、试探 性—的人,不仅能让你对他感觉良好,还将取得你的信任。


有些情况下,无意识也会影响我们的行为。对那些认为自己和那一半是一见钟情的女性来说,他们最初对对方实际上都是毫无感觉甚至根本没兴趣的。劳拉就是一 个例子。她是一个女招待,当一个英俊而优雅的男士坐下来准备用餐时,她根本没有注意。但是,当一阵手机铃声响起—他打电话约她出去,她便决定去赴约了。她 说,她从打电话的方式感觉到,他不是一个“通过雕虫小技吸引我注意的男人。”现在,他们已经结婚两年了。“这家伙到现在还信守着他的诺言,”劳拉说,“他 使我成了世界上最幸福的女人。”





我一贯挺顺从别人,这种本性使我在一次聚会上冒犯了某人之后,感到懊恼不已。那女人被介绍给我时说以前是警察的卧底。她很白皙,身材修长,非常漂亮。当 时我问她是否伪装过妓女,她顿时怒目圆瞪,愤怒得目瞪口呆。直到现在,我仍觉得自己是有道理的。她的确曾经是一个贩毒者的时髦女友。但是,好好反省一下, 我说“嗨,你美得能当妓女!”确实太不合适。





如果你在初次见面时便得罪了对方该怎么办?首先,你应该从失败的做法中反省原因,汲取教训。事实上,初次见面就贬低别人是非常不合适的。只要好好想,你和 这个人的交往并不是最后一次,比如因为工作的原因以后还要接触,就应该尽量想办法改善关系。或许这里面存在误解的因素。你对待新伙伴的态度是冷静而正式 的,但你的合作者却以为你对她不太友好。为什么?你如果去看看,她工作时是多么地随意,你就会明白她为什么这样想——你对她的方式恰恰与她习惯的方式相 反。所以,遇到这种情况,你应该调整自己,逐渐适应她的工作方式,不要袖手旁观或者讥讽嘲笑。用不了多久她就会发现,她最初错看了你,你们之间的差异只是 方式问题,并非态度问题。


对于因为过于直接了当戳穿别人惹下的祸,道歉是应该的,这样才能赎回你的不是。但是,如果你在道歉的关键时刻又不假思索地说出什么无聊的东西,结果会比 较难堪。应该注意,千万不要“当众将别人的脸皮撕破,然后私下道歉。”丹尼斯说,“你应该给他留个字条,写封信或者e-mail,这样他比较能接受。”






但是,波士顿的一名销售人员温迪却不这样认为。“再没有谁会比我的好朋友依莲更能令我开心的了。我们彼此知道对方在想什么。”但她话锋一转,“可回想起 我对她的第一印象……简直糟透了。那时候我觉得她说话挺刺人的,而且太直接,让人感到有压力。不过通过一段时间的接触,我发觉她还是挺适合做朋友的。”







5.身体语言使你“露馅”:只有在谈话双方都得到长短大致相当的谈话时间时,交流的信息才是充分而平衡的吗?不一定,身体语言会泄露你内心的秘密。身子 前倾让人感觉你对谈话内容有兴趣,而叉着双手站在后面则有点漠不关心和不耐烦。很多交际中不应该做的点点滴滴,都会向别人暗示你的不友好。



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Damn it …

I lost my tie at one of the public toilet when i was changing my shirt.. i just realized it when i reached home. i was preparing for tomorrow’s job fair attire and suddenly i can’t find my tie anywhere.. i felt very sad at that moment.. i’m thinking of going back there; at novena square to see whether it’s still there or not but the clock already shows @ 12 midnight..

so with my determined heart i promised myself to woke up early; 7am, go there and ask around if anybody see it.. by the time i reach there, it’s already gone (maybe one of the janitor or someone took it idk…) sigh…

/cry and /sob

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What’s more important to become an IT consultant: education or experience?
retrieved from :: TechRepublic

A TechRepublic member recently e-mailed me this question: “Is there a special course you have to take to become an IT consultant, or does it depend on what computer skills you have?”

The question of education vs. experience comes up a lot in the TechRepublic Forums. I don’t think there’s one answer to this question; in my opinion, you need a good mix of book smarts and on-the-job knowledge in order to be an IT consultant — with a dash of something else. I’ll explain in more detail.

To my knowledge (and under the guidance of the Great Google), no institution of higher learning offers a specific course on how to become an IT consultant. The word consultant implies that you possess extraordinary knowledge and insight to share with your clients — for a fee. Those assets are usually only acquired through the school of hard knocks.

Colleges and universities offer programs for studying aspects of IT, but they expect you to take that degree into the workforce and gain real-world experience before becoming an IT consultant. Various organizations offer seminars for consultants or certifications in specific IT disciplines.

A college education will undoubtedly introduce you to concepts, terminology, and techniques that will give you a head start on dealing with the real-life problems that you have to face in order to gain valuable experience. You’ll also learn how to analyze problems and think about how to think about a solution, but I don’t believe your degree has to be in Computer Science in order to derive that benefit from it. In fact, a degree in another discipline often provides a perspective that illuminates the tunnel down which everyone else is gazing.

I may be a bit biased; my degree isn’t in Computer Science or any related field. I learned everything on the job, where I was an operator, a programmer, a researcher, a manager, and a director before striking out on my own as an IT consultant. My only computer-related course in school (Systems Analysis and Design) didn’t teach me anything I didn’t already know from working in the field.

When I think about what I would have learned if I had pursued a Computer Science degree, I see “structured programming” and working with the limited data structures available in the languages of that day: Fortran, COBOL, Pascal, ALGOL, and Assembly. I learned a lot about those topics from independent learning and from correcting students’ programs — although those skills were practically obsolete before the students graduated. Technology is advancing even more rapidly today. Now, when you google a programming language feature, if the information is more than a couple of months old, you make a mental note that it might not be up to date.

However, you can’t become an IT consultant based solely on experience. There are plenty of IT consultants who have been doing things the same way for many years and haven’t learned much. Self-education and self-improvement are extremely important; thanks to the Internet, this has become relatively easy to maintain. Back in the old days, you had to read book after book and subscribe to a monthly pile of trade magazines. I still like to read a book sometimes for deep knowledge in a specific topic, but for the majority of my learning, I do online searches and subscribe to blogs that target my areas of interest.

But experience and knowledge still won’t make you an IT consultant. You might be the next Niklaus Wirth or Paul Graham, but it ain’t worth a damn until you build a reputation and potential clients find out about you. I’m lucky — I landed my first big engagement before I quit my previous employer, and I’ve had a pretty steady stream of clients ever since. Most of these clients learned about me by word of mouth, although my Internet presence is increasingly drawing in new clients. But what if your reputation is nonexistent? How do you build one? I’ll save that for a future post.

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What am I doing @ Weekends?

Yay… I got a BBQ invitation at Sengkang condo, primarily for celebrating a 1 year old boy’s birthday event. There’re quite number of friends coming, old friends i should say, because we once lived together at buntek’s place. err… maybe I’ll post some of the pictures taken on the event later on.. and uh.. I promised one of my old s’pore friend Eka to fix her computer, she said her computer has just got hit by a virus or trojan idk… so since i got nothin to do on sunday, i said i’ll come by her house to try to fix it.. hopefully i can..

@indo embassy, I got my friend Antony stood up for the campaign election to become PPIS president, so i’m there to support him of course.. the result was quite uh.. what should i say here.. whatever… btw, i noticed that we insim students went there wearin white clothies. we didn’t say it in advance though.. it just happened.. almost everybody wears white.. hmm… quite.. quite.. weird?

@ Eka’s condo … well, there’re 4 computers and i need to fix 3 of them (various problematic things). I eliminated one of the virus (known as heap41a virus) and cleaned up her sister’s laptop.. The other comp, however, is quite a headache. It’s a PC and the owner doesn’t have a backup recovery cds or driver installation cds. They’re all gone she said. The pc can’t recognize shit of its hardware of course. I tried to figure out what’s the hardware number etc. and it took around 3-4 hours to find out the “proper” graphic card – driver installation .executable files in the internet. quite a headache.. which one should i download and stuff… PX34298409 or PX231490823 bla bla bla.. damn..

btw I noticed that a slight difference on the software mounted on its driver can cause a disastrous impact. it can cause several crashes, and worst, the monitor can’t display a fucking thing.. (not even a login window, but it showed the wallpaper only. i think the explorer.exe corrupted or something.. damn irritating when you can’t see a shit though) … it all happened just because i chose the wrong driver installation software… (it’s not wrong though.. it’s the exact installation file for the graphic card that my friend uses, but still.. idk error and shit.. WinFast suck imo…(hates taiwan when it comes to hardware failures)) fakk.. i stuck there like 4hours.. the system CPU responded to my right click, and if i pressed Start + U for shutdown, the screen responded by grey fading wallpaper… I tried to restore the system, but what can i do? i can’t see a damn thing.. lool…

oke.. so i planned to format the whole thing, i burned my windows xp pro image to a bootable cd (using her sister’s laptop (already cleaned everything)), after the burn has been successful, i found it doesn’t respond to the 1st boot sequence, which is boot from CD (i changed it). the system keep loading windows after thousands of resets, and finally after like 30minutes to 1 hour.. i noticed that there’s something wrong with the wireless keyboard.. fuck… although wireless keyboard can be used for cmos / bios setting, but after you pressed F10, trying to boot from cd, you need to press the shit using a manual keyboard which is plugged into the system.

DAMN i wonder how the hell the system ignores cd boot in the first place.. it’s not the system’s fault.. it’s the god damn wireless keyboard’s fault…. ok.. despair… after rebooting and reformatting the system, i tried to install the driver again.. the system hangs again and indeed there’s something wrong with the software.. maybe it’s not compatible with samsung or idk.. after the 3rd installation of XP, i managed to install the proper software for its driver.. i Dxdiag’d and at last it recognize there’s a graphic card installed on it.

however, the network card, on the other hand, due to time constraint, haven’t installed it just yet.. maybe next week.. after i figured out what’s the MOBO number etc.. hopefully MSI don’t suck at its software …

took 30minutes for XP Pro to install..

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Virus Symptom:
“I Dont hate Mozilla but use IE or Else” Virus Or
Status: Removable

It’s just a worm, a virus or a trojan or whatever malicious hacker or craker program or script it is. Wrtitten is VBScript programming labguage by a crazy rascal who deserves to rot in his/her grave for disabling Firefox of all softwares !

Q: How the hell did i get affected by this virus in the first place????
Ans;A consequence of using an infected USB. This virus is spreading through USB drives.

As Kalai points out:

“Its a safe practice to press and hold the Shift button before inserting any usb drives to avoid the autorun feature from being activated. For newbies, hold the shift button until any LED lights on the usb drive stops flashing. Then open My Computer and right click your drive which should be the last alphabet anyway. Use the open menu and check for any auto.inf files (it might be hidden)and delete it. Mind you, these files if any, have no business in the USB drive in the first place!”

How to remove the Orkut and Firefox and Youtube banning virus ?


  • First press Control-Alt-Delete (Ctrl-Alt-Del is called the three finger exercise in Windows)
  • There Click Processes , then click User Name to arrange according to users.
  • Now, look for svchost.exe run by User name “user” or “admin” or “your computer name” There will be two of them. Right click and end both the svchost.exe processes where the User Name is NOT “SYSTEM” or “NETWORK SERVICE” or “LOCAL SERVICE” Only where the user name is “USER” or “ADMIN” or “ADMINISTRATOR” or “your name”
  • Next Click Start > Run > Type cmd in the box and press enter (Just get the Command Prompt of DOS – C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe)
  • There in the black Command Line, type “ cd \ ” and press Enter
  • It has to change to C:\>
  • Next, type attrib -s -r -h heap41a /s /d and press Enter
  • Then Open C: on My computer and delete the folder heap41a ie C:\heap41a
  • Then remove C:\heap41a\svchost.exe shortcut from C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (Or Start > All Programs >Startup)
  • That’s all
  • Then clean the pen drive

Note: When you are unable to open C drive, go to the Navigation bar, access directly from there. Copy and Paste C:\heap41a into your navigation bar, and you should see some stupid files there. you should be able to delete them all. (after killing the processes earlier). restart the computer.

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今天我朋友怡荧问我 “理直气和,得理饶人“到底是何意?我大概知道意思,可是无法用适当的词还有句子给她解释。最好呢,用下列的小故事来形容与描述。这故事我读完了之后,心理都沉思不已。

“小姐! 你过来!你过来!”顾客高声喊,指着前面的杯子,满脸寒霜地说,“看看!你们的牛奶是坏的,把我一杯红茶都糟蹋了!”  “真对不起!”服务小姐赔不是地笑道,“我立刻给您换一杯。”

新红茶很快就准备好了,碟也跟前一杯一样,放着新鲜的柠檬和牛乳。小姐轻轻放在顾客面前,又轻声说:“我是不是能建议您,如果放柠檬,就不要加牛奶,因为有时候柠檬酸会造成牛奶结块。” 顾客的脸一下子红了,匆匆喝完茶走了出去。有人笑问服务小姐:“明明是他土,你为什么不直说呢? 他那么粗鲁地叫您,你为什么不还他一点颜色?” 

“正因为他粗鲁,所以要用婉转的方式对待;正因为道理一说就明白,所以用不着大声。”小姐说,“理不直的人,常用气壮来压人,理直的,要用气和来交朋友!”  每个人都点头笑了,对这家餐馆增加了许多好感。往后的日子,他们每次见到这位服务小姐,都想到“理直气和”的理论,也用他们的眼睛,证明这位小姐的话有多么正确——  他们常看到,那位曾经粗鲁的客人,和颜悦色轻声细气地与服务小姐寒暄。   

我想听完上面的故事,你一定会为这位小姐的谦逊和蔼、得理让人的所为感动,其实做到这一点对我们的服务人员来说是很容易的。面对那些言语粗俗的顾客,我 们的服务人员首先要想一想,他们这样做是不是因为你的原因,你疏忽了他,或者你没有条件提供他所需要的服务。但你这样做,肯定有你的原因,比如顾客太多或 他所要求的不属于你的服务范围、现有的技术条件还达不到等等。这时的你,就应该学学那位小姐“理直气和”的处理方法,我想只要耐心解释,一定会得到顾客的 理解从而促成业务的顺利进行。生意人有句话叫做“和气生财”,说的就是这个道理。这样你不但维护了企业的形象,也赢得了自身修养的提高和升华。切莫在个别 消费者的不检点上求全责备,而忽略自身的形象和企业的利益。绝大多数消费者是通情达理的,就是那极少数,也会为你的诚挚所感动,而在社会道德的规范下改弦 更张。




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Frostmourne replica is second to none in detailed craftsmanship and technology.
* 47″ Overall Length with 28″ Stainless Steel Blade
* Genuine Leather Wrapped Grip
* Limited Edition Sword
* Embedded with Patented G2G Authenticity Microchip
* Click on images to the left to view detailed photography

Also Included in the box with Frostmourne
* Collector’s Display Mount
* Limited Edition Poster
* Certificate of Authenticity
* Game 2 Gear Handheld Authenticity Reader

More details @ Here
Retail price: US$379 ~appx~ S$523
Wish i could have this one…

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接着,咱们就在沙发上聊天。聊聊聊,聊有关“真爱“这两个字。然后我给他听这首令我满感动 的歌,穆纳扎特 今他(印尼发音),这一首是在祈祷老天爷请赐我个陪伴,正好符合她现在的感受。的确是好听啦,接着她就把蓝牙打开,试着传送给她时,一直失败,原来她的里面硬盘空间已满,偶叫她把随便一首删掉,她说不要。。—。— 唉。为何不要?没理由。



哈 哈。。刚好杂志上有一篇在这题目“对于男生,你所不知道的十个真相“短篇大致上是在讲什么我也忘了,反正与磨拿的想法完全矛盾。所以念给她听。哦对,我记 得第一项在写,“男生不喜欢女生讲他不绅士”..哼, 这, 这是对的!。我就知道磨拿经常对男生讲什么什么你不绅士什么的。唉!!将来我一定要看她找什么样的男朋 友。等着瞧吧。

所以呢,我在此提醒大家,尤其是女生,别她叉叉的看太多韩国,台湾等连续剧了..实际一点好吗??? 拜托你们!

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How to write a software requirements specification

What Makes a Great Software Requirements Specification?

There are many good definitions of System and Software Requirements Specifications that will provide us a good basis upon which we can both define a great specification and help us identify deficiencies in our past efforts. There is also a lot of great stuff on the web about writing good specifications. The problem is not lack of knowledge about how to create a correctly formatted specification or even what should go into the specification. The problem is that we don’t follow the definitions out there.

We have to keep in mind that the goal is not to create great specifications but to create great products and great software. Can you create a great product without a great specification? Absolutely! You can also make your first million through the lottery – but why take your chances? Systems and software these days are so complex that to embark on the design before knowing what you are going to build is foolish and risky.

The IEEE (www.ieee.org) is an excellent source for definitions of System and Software Specifications. As designers of real-time, embedded system software, we use IEEE STD 830-1998 as the basis for all of our Software Specifications unless specifically requested by our clients. Essential to having a great Software Specification is having a great System Specification. The equivalent IEEE standard for that is IEEE STD 1233-1998. However, for most purposes in smaller systems, the same templates can be used for both.

What are the benefits of a Great SRS?

The IEEE 830 standard defines the benefits of a good SRS:

Establish the basis for agreement between the customers and the suppliers on what the software product is to do. The complete description of the functions to be performed by the software specified in the SRS will assist the potential users to determine if the software specified meets their needs or how the software must be modified to meet their needs. [NOTE: We use it as the basis of our contract with our clients all the time].

Reduce the development effort. The preparation of the SRS forces the various concerned groups in the customer’s organization to consider rigorously all of the requirements before design begins and reduces later redesign, recoding, and retesting. Careful review of the requirements in the SRS can reveal omissions, misunderstandings, and inconsistencies early in the development cycle when these problems are easier to correct.

Provide a basis for estimating costs and schedules. The description of the product to be developed as given in the SRS is a realistic basis for estimating project costs and can be used to obtain approval for bids or price estimates. [NOTE: Again, we use the SRS as the basis for our fixed price estimates]

Provide a baseline for validation and verification. Organizations can develop their validation and Verification plans much more productively from a good SRS. As a part of the development contract, the SRS provides a baseline against which compliance can be measured. [NOTE: We use the SRS to create the Test Plan].

Facilitate transfer.The SRS makes it easier to transfer the software product to new users or new machines. Customers thus find it easier to transfer the software to other parts of their organization, and suppliers find it easier to transfer it to new customers.

Serve as a basis for enhancement. Because the SRS discusses the product but not the project that developed it, the SRS serves as a basis for later enhancement of the finished product. The SRS may need to be altered, but it does provide a foundation for continued production evaluation. [NOTE: This is often a major pitfall – when the SRS is not continually updated with changes]

What should the SRS address?

Again from the IEEE standard:

The basic issues that the SRS writer(s) shall address are the following:

a) Functionality. What is the software supposed to do?
b) External interfaces. How does the software interact with people, the system’s hardware, other hardware, and other software?
c) Performance. What is the speed, availability, response time, recovery time of various software functions, etc.?
d) Attributes. What are the portability, correctness, maintainability, security, etc. considerations?
e) Design constraints imposed on an implementation. Are there any required standards in effect, implementation language, policies for database integrity, resource limits, operating environment(s) etc.?

What are the characteristics of a great SRS?

Again from the IEEE standard:

An SRS should be

a) Correct
b) Unambiguous
c) Complete
d) Consistent
e) Ranked for importance and/or stability
f) Verifiable
g) Modifiable
h) Traceable

Correct – This is like motherhood and apple pie. Of course you want the specification to be correct. No one writes a specification that they know is incorrect. We like to say – “Correct and Ever Correcting.” The discipline is keeping the specification up to date when you find things that are not correct.

Unambiguous – An SRS is unambiguous if, and only if, every requirement stated therein has only one interpretation. Again, easier said than done. Spending time on this area prior to releasing the SRS can be a waste of time. But as you find ambiguities – fix them.

Complete – A simple judge of this is that is should be all that is needed by the software designers to create the software.

Consistent – The SRS should be consistent within itself and consistent to its reference documents. If you call an input “Start and Stop” in one place, don’t call it “Start/Stop” in another.

Ranked for Importance – Very often a new system has requirements that are really marketing wish lists. Some may not be achievable. It is useful provide this information in the SRS.

Verifiable – Don’t put in requirements like – “It should provide the user a fast response.” Another of my favorites is – “The system should never crash.” Instead, provide a quantitative requirement like: “Every key stroke should provide a user response within 100 milliseconds.”

Modifiable – Having the same requirement in more than one place may not be wrong – but tends to make the document not maintainable.

Traceable – Often, this is not important in a non-politicized environment. However, in most organizations, it is sometimes useful to connect the requirements in the SRS to a higher level document. Why do we need this requirement?

What is the difference between a System Specification and a Software Specification?

Very often we find that companies do not understand the difference between a System specification and a Software Specification. Important issues are not defined up front and Mechanical, Electronic and Software designers do not really know what their requirements are.

The following is a high level list of requirements that should be addressed in a System Specification:

  • Define the functions of the system
  • Define the Hardware / Software Functional Partitioning
  • Define the Performance Specification
  • Define the Hardware / Software Performance Partitioning
  • Define Safety Requirements
  • Define the User Interface (A good user’s manual is often an overlooked part of the System specification. Many of our customers haven’t even considered that this is the right time to write the user’s manual.)
  • Provide Installation Drawings/Instructions.
  • Provide Interface Control Drawings (ICD’s, External I/O)

One job of the System specification is to define the full functionality of the system. In many systems we work on, some functionality is performed in hardware and some in software. It is the job of the System specification to define the full functionality and like the performance requirements, to set in motion the trade-offs and preliminary design studies to allocate these functions to the different disciplines (mechanical, electrical, software).

Another function of the System specification is to specify performance. For example, if the System is required to move a mechanism to a particular position accurate to a repeatability of ± 1 millimeter, that is a System’s requirement. Some portion of that repeatability specification will belong to the mechanical hardware, some to the servo amplifier and electronics and some to the software. It is the job of the System specification to provide that requirement and to set in motion the partitioning between mechanical hardware, electronics, and software. Very often the System specification will leave this partitioning until later when you learn more about the system and certain factors are traded off (For example, if we do this in software we would need to run the processor clock at 40 mHz. However, if we did this function in hardware, we could run the processor clock at 12 mHz). [This implies that a certain level of research or even prototyping and benchmarking needs to be done to create a System spec. I think it is useful to say that explicitly.]

However, for all practical purposes, most of the systems we are involved with in small to medium size companies, combine the software and the systems documents. This is done primarily because most of the complexity is in the software. When the hardware is used to meet a functional requirement, it often is something that the software wants to be well documented. Very often, the software is called upon to meet the system requirement with the hardware you have. Very often, there is not a systems department to drive the project and the software engineers become the systems engineers. For small projects, this is workable even if not ideal. In this case, the specification should make clear which requirements are software, which are hardware, and which are mechanical.

What is the difference between a design requirement and software requirement?

In short, the SRS should not include any design requirements. However, this is a difficult discipline. For example, because of the partitioning and the particular RTOS you are using, and the particular hardware you are using, you may require that no task use more than 1 ms of processing prior to releasing control back to the RTOS. Although that may be a true requirement and it involves software and should be tested – it is truly a design requirement and should be included in the Software Design Document or in the Source code.

Consider the target audience for each specification to identify what goes into what documents.

Marketing/Product Management

Creates a product specification and gives it to Systems. It should define everything Systems needs to specify the product


Creates a System Specification and gives it to Systems/Software and Mechanical and Electrical Design.


Creates a Software Specification and gives it to Software. It should define everything Software needs to develop the software.

Thus, the SRS should define everything explicitly or (preferably) by reference that software needs to develop the software. References should include the version number of the target document. Also, consider using master document tools which allow you to include other documents and easily access the full requirements.

Is this do-able? Won’t we miss our deadlines if we take the time to do this?

This is a great question. There is no question that there is balance in this process. We have seen companies and individuals go overboard on documenting software that doesn’t need to be documented, such as a temporary utility. We have also seen customers kill good products by spending too much time specifying it.

However, the bigger problem is at the other end of the spectrum. We have found that taking the time up front pays dividends down stream. If you don’t have time to specify it up front, you probably don’t have the time to do the project.

Here are some of our guidelines:

  • Spend time specifying and documenting well software that you plan to keep.
  • Keep documentation to a minimum when the software will only be used for a short time or has a limited number of users.
  • Have separate individuals write the specifications (not the individual who will write the code).
  • The person to write the specification should have good communication skills.
  • Pretty diagrams can help but often tables and charts are easier to maintain and can communicate the same requirements.
  • Take your time with complicated requirements. Vagueness in those areas will come back to bite you later.
  • Conversely, watch out for over-documenting those functions that are well understood by many people but for which you can create some great requirements.
  • Keep the SRS up to date as you make changes.
  • Approximately 20-25% of the project time should be allocated to requirements definition.
  • Keep 5% of the project time for updating the requirements after the design has begun.
  • Test the requirements document by using it as the basis for writing the test plan.

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