
Archive for December, 2008

Happy New Year!!

First !

When people asked me my new year’s resolution, i replied i have nothing ‘yet’ in my mind i said… i’ve been thinking through for the past few days.. and i finalised that i think i’ll need a bigger brain.. with a bigger passion..

Once upon a time I’d go out into the freezing night, spend hours in an overcrowded bar queuing for an overpriced drink from an insufficient number of overworked staff and finally wind my way home in a miserable mood, unable to find a licensed taxi anywhere…. Tonight however I will be staying in my nice warm house, in front of the comp with a hot curry and a cold beer (fake). Now that’s what I call a great New Year’s Eve…!!

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孤独,对于一个感性并喜欢思考的人来说,它会为她的内心带来一份很独特的心情,别人对孤独的言词里,只看到它为人带来落寞与忧郁的心情,却看不到它为 人带来独处而得到恬静的心情。我喜欢上孤独,但我没有如此爱好而孤立周围一切,反而我体会到在孤独中漫步而寻找到一份很平静的心情,而且很贪婪地享受这份 感觉。

当我喜欢上读书的时候,就知道什么叫做孤独,而当我知道面对孤独的时分,就开始迷恋上在孤独中漫步的心情。因为孤独,而让我学会冷静,因为孤独,让我 学会如何面对浮燥的心态。因为孤独,我的情感变的敏感而细腻,而在敏感而细腻的心境中用心去体会生活的酸甜苦辣。因为孤独,我刻意去寻找内心的一份安宁。 因为孤独,我喜欢上思考问题,思考一些力求更好的解决问题的方法。而因为思考,会使人在无论在生活还是工作寻求更多的进步。

孤独只是感情中的一种方式。我欣赏孤独可以为人带来冷静与平静的心态。但是我不赞赏人因为孤独而在生活中孤立,因为孤立轻易产生孤独感,但是这份孤独 感不再让你感到平静,而让你感到烦躁与忧郁。人一旦忧郁失去快乐,失去快乐就意味你的人生带上了灰色的色彩。从而,在某天你会犹如一只没有翅膀的小鸟再也 飞不上天空。

人在生活中没有时刻的伴侣,也没有永远的辉煌。孤独必然在你某时突然来临。有时候会在你受到创伤失意的时候,它悄然占据你整个心灵。于是你会感到失落 也许会害怕。但是当你面对此刻时,请不要恐惧,请调节好你的心情,带着孤独去漫步。在漫步中思考你的失意缘由,思考你的出路,分析你的下步方向,或者你会 意外发现因为孤独而让你有意外的收获。也许是一种成熟,也许是一种莫大的安慰!因为你已经意识到每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。孤独还有的时候会在你生活中倍 受某人的冷落而光临你的心房,于是你会感到很寂寞。然而你在寂寞的时候,带着孤独去漫步,你是否会体会到久违的独处自赏芳香的美妙感觉呢?当你一个人静悄 悄地看到周围环境中的绿草红花的时候,你是否感觉到一个人独自欣赏而发现大自然的美丽何等欢喜的心情?尤其是有的人到了黄昏时光的时候,孤独伴随自己是最 多,但是如果不用一份乐观的心情去接纳孤独,那么他会在孤独中老的更快,甚至会在孤独中死去。如果他因为失去伴侣而接纳孤独,那么他会在孤独中寻找更多人 生乐趣,不会因为黑夜降临而恐惧孤独!


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It was all started with an idea, an idea that seems unthinkable, hard to fulfill yet easy to say… Idea that becomes a daily conversation within my ocbc colleagues, and such, conversation that eventually leads to the actual saga.. I prepared my bag with just enough attributes to cover the bold shivering cold the place has, little did I grasp for hope to earn money there but hey, it was the fun and excitement I was aftering no? Although maybe it sounds a bit naïve, but what I believe people after is profit.. Small profit soon overwhelmed with some kind of satisfaction, satisfaction that leads to a basic human sin..


Our trip now starts with a normal custom check, an immigration officer noticed that my passport has almost expired. So she reminded me to replace it for a new one. Ya.. I think i’ll most prolly will update it after CNY… Well, nothing much, during our journey to genting I barely can see anything.. It was almost a pitch dark situation whereby there’s little to no light whatsoever… But when I raise my head and look up to the stars, moonlight become soooo bright… sparkling stars i’ve never seen before, (it’s really sparkling like svarovski lol), and uh.. enjoyed and really really wanted to have a snapshot of that moment.. I just wanted to stop and stare on it but my eyes are heavy, i need rest gad damn!!

so.. I woke up in the middle of the night, it’s been quite a few hours since we departed from our first 驿站.. and all of a sudden when i looked outside the window, it’s all fog everywhere… heavy fog covers its mountain deep… when we reached there our first action is to get more clothes to wear on, and me myself shivers throughout the time… luckily i didn’t sneeze that time, or else i won’t be here typing lol..

we went to have a heavy breakfast, a nasi lemak and me myself with gen zhi ordered a cup of coffee for a day’s kick start… both of kimon and bhoen went upstairs take a nap, while me and a zhi waiting for another room to get in… at first i entered the casino, a guard asked me to show my passport.. Zzz… well i might appear to be young but hey.. it’s not funny if i can’t go in yes? well finally i’m confident that i’m allowed to get in and i rushed in to change my cash to small little coins… coins that plundered people’s hope, coins that exterminate people’s life, and yet.. it’s very addictive.. it’s hard to stop when you’re deep inside, well.. it’s time to found out and hopefully fortune favors the eXeQzaLie…

It went bad… i lost 50 ringgit in the first table.. whereas my friend a zhi has collected quite a lot of coins on his hand.. after several minutes break, both of us enters the evil’s den again and have a decisive revenge.. at first we won several bucks but i hope it sustain until it ends… people say that it’s a beginner’s luck.. well.. believe it or not!!…

Ok it’s a planned win… we won quite a huge money in our hands, kimon’s the winner, a zhi’s 2nd position, while i’m collecting almost 400ringgits… my another friend ah bhoen had lose quite a number of games while grasping golden opportunity to hit a jackpot on this poker… i can tell that it’s a hard luck … it’s afternoon and we went to another two remaining casinos to play on.. i quickly relied on kimon’s luck in order to keep me my coins intact… i didn’t made a false move by following kimon’s instinct.. 3 of us reap our pinnacle of that day.. we reached and won a total of almost 2k ringgit and kimon’s forced to buy us a starbucks for his beautiful victory…

when it comes to betting and gambling, we chinese people are more paranoid than other races.. we’ve been so superstitious that it collapses our rational way of thinking of what actually gambling is.. it’s just so happen that in the afternoon from 7pm onwards until midnight, we lose horribly.. i almost get myself into a minus situation.. and the loses and badluck or whatever, it doesn’t really seem to stop… i bet my last gained profit on the table (showhand yo), which is 100 ringgit coin on the table.. and i won my last game.. but my friends forced me to stop as it’s alrady 2AM, and we went upstairs to have a uncomfortable sleep.. 😦

you see, when i bet, i can’t stop that nervous feeling, a feeling that will affect my rational way of thinking, a feeling that will consume my hope and eventually let me down.. and while my heart was pounding very fast, i can sense that, and my face, body increases its heat until i become warm liek a sick person…. warm inside together with foul cigarette smell.. feels like going outside and take a deep breath of fresh mountain air…. hmm… time’s ticking extremely fast.. we don’t even get enough sleep for both days, and somehow there’s a small little existence of mix feelings between regret and remorse.. why why and why…

we tried to come out with a strategy to defeat the future, but none of them proved to be consistent… it was the historical event that affects people’s judgement towards what’ll comes up next… like for example, 1 of the table has differences between big and small for let’s say 40 times, total played game maybe 60, so people will tend to bet on the lesser side due to logic probability consideration of the two sides, which is 50/50.. the number shall pick up by itself, and people might not realise that there’s a deviation which is exist, in this case, extremely rare case.. hmm… and i that’s what i think why probability doesn’t prove to be useful when it comes to predict what’s coming up next.. it’s gut feeling that counts… gut feeling that can leads through a pure victory…

ok so we had enough gambling and it’s time to accept our defeat, i almost lose 240 ringgits in the end, but with extreme luck, i followed the betting of a nice couple sitting right 2 chairs beside me, and they rescued me from losing anymore games… in the end, thank to both of them, i managed to get a 50 ringgit profit out of the god’s forsaken table.. and i took the money to treat my friends lunch.. friends whom i met during my high school times, friends whom i share feelings and compassion, friends whom i trust the most…

Thank you for the journey.. i can’t wait for our next trip to genting.. or .. idk maybe a dreamliner? lol..

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Scouting for MBA Tips

There are countless business schools and courses on the market for those seeking a business education, but don’t be “misled” by the variety, said Mr Hsuan Owyang. For instance, while there has been a proliferation of specialised courses, such as a Master of Business Administration in Statistics, the best business schools are the ones that provide a good general education. “Once you specialise that way, you are only a specialist. Business is not supposed to be like that, you should be able to do general thinking, to move across fields and solve problems,” he said.

“The best schools are well-known for certain subjects, like Wharton is very good for finance, but they are strengths, they don’t narrow down to those aspects … narrowing down is not a true reflection of a good business school.” A good business education should provide not only strong fundamental skills but also qualitative skills. “My proudest accomplishment was that I had an education that allowed me to move from the private sector to the public sector with ease … even though my time in the public sector was nonfinancial,” said Mr Owyang.

“What I got out of my years at Harvard was the skills in human relations, business history, policies – that’s what enabled me to contribute to society.” And a reputable school still counts. “You can’t just go to any school and buy a piece of paper, because when you go into an interview, the interviewer … when they see you’re from a school that’s not known and they don’t teach you anything, they won’t even take you seriously,” he said

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Today.. i’d like to say a wonderful birthday greeting to everyone! especially my big bro.. 30 years he has lived in this world, huge accomplishment has been done, be it in terms of career progression, family commitment and such, not to mention his involvements in his own car rental business… a business that started up so small.. with little dedication and effort, has now come to an inception stage whereby volatility to the market price is still very much has a big impact on the overall performance on the business… trend setter is far behind Jaya Motor’s idea.. a proper strategy, mission and vision of a business therefore must be there in the first place before it can grow further ahead to the stage of maturity… what has become its competitive advantages compared to the other competitors are yet to be found… well.. 1st thing 1st, to be more focused on — service excellence, quality foundation and of course, competitive price…

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在我的天顶 甘有人会看见 看到我不甘愿这样过一生
deh wah eh tih diang gam wu lang eh khua gi khua dio wa mm gam wan ah ne guay yi sheng

在我的一生 我甘愿来相信 每一朵花都有自己的春天
deh wah eh yi sheang wah gam wan lai xiong shin mui zi de huay long wu ga gi eh chu ti

在我的天顶 大雨落不停 也不能改变到我的固执
dee wa eh tea diang dua ho lo buay thiang ma buay dang gai pen wah eh diao diu

永远等待 那一日 咱可以出头天 人生不怕风浪 只怕自己没志气
you wan dan tai hee zi li lang eh dang chu tao ti lim sim mm kia hong yong zi kia ga gi bo zi ki

那一日 咱可以出头天 我盼望的日子 会真快 来到我身边
hee zi li lang eh dang chu tao ti wah emm bang eh li zi eh jin gin lai gao woon sim bi

在我的天顶 甘有人在保佑 怎样我常常摔的头壳流血
de wah eh tih diang gam wu lang eh bao bi wei zua you wa diam diam siah gah tao ka lao hui

血干会结痂 失败也不失志 成功是咱自己看自己得起
hui da eh kiat hee shi bai ma buay shi zi seng gong si lang ga gi kua ga gi eh ki

飘浪的日子 等待着时机 我不信命运会这么无情
piao long eh li zi dan tai deh shi gi wah mm xing mia woon jiah neh boh qiang

永远等待 那一日 咱可以出头天 人生不怕风浪 只怕自己没志气
you wan dan hai hee zi li lang eh dang chu tao ti lim sim mm kia hong yong zi kia ga boh zi ki

那一日 咱可以出头天 我盼望的日子 会真快 来到我身边
hee zi li lang eh dang chu tao ti wa mui bang eh li zi eh jin gin lai gao woon sim bi

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Insatiable Hunger!

I always thought that perhaps in some way i could reduce my expenses in order to accumulate more wealth but I never think through otherwise.. All passions I had during school times, be it to become an IT auditor, web app developer, graphic designer, and such.. Wild dreams without fear, apparently that kind of mindset doesn’t even exist in my head anymore. People, including me myself are bound to have slack whenever an environment is fixed. Sad though, now I have thoughts everywhere, but I hardly see myself executing it..

I don’t really intend to use limited time as a constraint, all what I need is just a single word, a single word that everyone knows and familiar, a single word that perhaps draw more hope and commitment, a single word that has become so powerful as people take it as a granted thing. A word which will express and measure one’s sacrifices, a word that eventually leaves nothing but disappointments behind…

A Will.

Yes, it’s what i’m actually lacking. Willingness to learn, willingness to take action, willingness to actually spend 5 mins to learn something new, willingness to overcome time and even limited resources, etc. Now i’m thinking how to make a real conversion from words to action. And it does require another powerful word, which determine how long could it last, which pointed at a timely manner, a word that eventually guide someone’s action, which will also lead to its greater behavior, which eventually guides someone’s destiny…

A Discipline.

It is perhaps the most difficult part to commit, as it requires a determined mindset that most people are lacking. Put aside various disturbances alone, promises are very easy to say nowadays, especially when it comes to an ang moh, wth almost every episode in prison break, you’ll hardly find any actors not promising that everything’s gonna be alright… Zzz.. it has become a jargon that lead to an eventful commitment, a commitment that eventually become a self fullfilling prophecy to certain ppl. Well, it’s good to say, it’s the invisible word that forces ppl to do something extra.

Delivering the word might not an easy way to some people, and some avoid promises as they don’t want to be the actual party who’s responsible for the said words. Often the word burdens one with great responsibility, and the way I see it, it’s just simply a matter of transferring worries from other parties to another. The promised party will have a temporary soothe of mind and this is what exactly females are lacking. I remember whenever I drove my mom to places out there, she always had these kind of worries. Worries that even promises to her that she’ll reach the dest safely, is not even take into action. I don’t know why. She’s just being an irrational maybe? Just like other females being..

Year’s end is here and I haven’t prepared anything but hope. Hope that I sincerely prayed it will come earlier than expected, hope that seems an unreasonable, hope that bring peace and calm, hope whenever required it heeds, hope that nevertheless existed less than a nanosecond in my mind. Hope that eventually misguided me to vengeance path…

Having said, i’ve now seen the path of light, righteous lights sparkling sooooooo brightly at the end of a grim, dark tunnel, promising lights that eventually chasing worries and doubts away. All these years holding green cards and renowned as student, and now, it has come to an end whereby inequalities, discrimination, disadvantages, are all eliminated and hopefully, the thick border between citizens has never become so thin before…

And yet, another new adventures and journeys are therefore laid ahead… A candle of tiny hope that lights and guides darkness path beyond imagination. No one seems to know what impeccable challenges a human my age must face, therefore a plan that determines my future must indeed carefully planned, a plan which is of course started with a single….

but cautious step… Alas! eXeQzaLie!

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Sigma levels

Taking the 1.5 sigma shift into account, short-term sigma levels correspond to the following long-term DPMO values (one-sided):

  • One Sigma = 690,000 DPMO = 31% efficiency
  • Two Sigma = 308,000 DPMO = 69.2% efficiency
  • Three Sigma = 66,800 DPMO = 93.32% efficiency
  • Four Sigma = 6,210 DPMO = 99.379% efficiency
  • Five Sigma = 230 DPMO = 99.977% efficiency
  • Six Sigma = 3.4 DPMO = 99.9997% efficiency

六標準差 (Six Sigma) 是要為您確定什麼是您不知道的、並且強調什麼是您必須知道的,同時須採取那些措施減少錯誤,以及重新整合、組織您浪費的時間成本、金錢、成功機會及錯失的客戶。

六標準差 (Six Sigma) 利用統計學的概念來衡量流程中的瑕疵。達 到六標準差,即意味著您的生產流程中僅會有百萬之 3.4 的不良率 (Defects per Million Opportunities, DPMO) ;換句話說,這表示已經接近完美狀況。Sigma (σ) 是希臘字元,為「標準差 (Standard Deviation)」的衡量。在商業術語中,其代表「流程」與「完美」的偏差值。

一九八○年代,六標準差的理論首次被摩托羅拉公司發展並印證。 之後其它公司,諸如 TI、IBM、Allied Signal 及 GE 亦成功運用六標準差並實際降低數百萬美元的成本.

6 標準差值的流程與產業的平均 3.8 標準差值的相異比較
3.8 Sigma
(98.930% 良率)
6 Sigma
(99.99966% 良率)
每小時遺失 20,000 封電子郵件 每小時遺失 7 封電子郵件
每天有將近 15 分鐘的飲用水
每 7 個月有 1 分鐘的飲用水
每星期有 1.7 次不正確的
每天在主要機場有 2 次的
每 5 年在主要機場有 1 次的
每年開出 200,000 個錯誤
每年開出 68 個錯誤處方箋
每月停電將近 7 小時 每 34 年停電 1 小時
六標準差的方法包括 5 個階段:
  1. 確定計劃、目標和可行性
  2. 衡量當前流程績效
  3. 分析和確認缺失的根源
  4. 改善流程消除缺失
  5. 控制流程績效

六標準差理論僅使用統計學作為統計資料的工具,而其最為重要部份則為組織文化的變革,以及最高管理階層的永續承諾可滲透到整個組織。在文化變革中最重要的是這些關鍵性人物即如同眾所皆知的捍衛者 (Champions)、黑帶 (Black Belts)、綠帶 (Green Belts)─促進文化改變的代表。六標準差是令人亢奮的,但唯有紀律、韌性、堅定的投入與奉獻,才能達到完美境界。一旦您選擇了它,就擁有無盡的改善機會。

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4 December 2008 – Wednesday
Today’s speaker is better compared on the previous day i guess.. Yesterday’s orientation everyone was supposed to take a role to play to show how can we reflect bank’s core value into our everyday’s behaviour.. When we were told to reflect teamwork, my new colleague (yes that sexy girl) comes up with an idea of how daily business process should occur, with or without teamwork scenario. The proposed scene was a customer complaining abt uncleared quick cheque deps, went into the branch and greeted by the helpful teller.

Without teamwork: This is the easiest as the cust will probably fed up of communicating through various person that’re supposed to be responsible for it. So I was in the end acted as a back-end support and since the teller told the cust to call the backend support for the explanation, i wasn’t aware of that so the msg keep bouncing around without owner… in contrast, the problem should be resolved at the point of contact, might have to tell the cust to wait and the teller him/herself need to inform and escalate issue to higher management as well as back end support. it’s a better way of doing things if proactive was there in the first place, for example maybe the back end support will proactively acknowledge and inform front end for this issue, and try his/her best to resolve the issue immediately… bla blah blah..

5 December 2008 – Thursday
well.. today i just had lunch with my bunch of friends and suddenly it rains heavily outside and there was a blackout at the hawker center.. lol.. btw today lesson’s not bad.. he has a superb communication skill i can say… damn i wish i had a talent like that.. hmm…

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Today i’ve accompanied my china colleague to apply for a credit card. when i saw he filled the highest educational level as Msc, i was instantly shocked till my eyes can’t even blink a shit. God damn all these few months i didn’t realise that he holds an Msc. damn.. when i stunned there a few secs i quickly think through what happened in the past few weeks, and then i just realised that educational level isn’t that much taken into the account of the employer’s consideration. My HOD stressed this out when he treats me and my team at the cafe cartel last week. Oh damn i think i’m now might be thinking that i have the shittiest edu background compared to these nerds from local univs.. i felt reluctant when someone asks about my edu background, and quickly changed to another topic instead.

Well, i don’t know why ppl have this kind of mindset, and i fed up giving answers when ppl asks “Oh! you’ve just graduated is it??, NTU?NUS?SMU?” damn.. bang straight to my head.. then i replied “Oh, No.. i’m from Esss Ai Emm” … and the person stunned there and pondered a little while perhaps and said “what’s that?”…. and i explained them as humble as i can.. but people tends to curious when i spoke chinese in front of them and when they ask’d my name they’d wonder what the hell is that name?! sounds like Japs/Indian (ppl might have these guess when i emphasis on the words ZOO gee….) well… some s’poreans with lots of indons friends might straight away guess the right answer but idk… i sometimes think of transforming my indo to sound perhaps like a chinese one.. maybe Sugi Lee Chih Liang or Lee Chih Liang Sugi would be a better idea to assimilate into a s’pore’s naming convention, but i doubt my parents would approve it.. well what else i could say? by right i don’t have a surname and there’re thousands of Sugiharto out there and i happen to be one of them… doesn’t matter though.. i learnt how to appreciate my name since…

tomorrow’s yet another orientation day for me.. our class have lots of pretty girls omg.. but when it comes to an IT side, i’d say it’s a wholly and completely different environment.. damn.. sighs… ok back to my orientation class, most of them are bankers, ladies late 20s/early 30s, attractive, single, smells damn good, some of them blonde and curly with sexy skirt and stylish blouse… talking with them is like.. very difficult.. need to put in effort to focus what’s she talking about… yep yep… as an old saying goes…. 窈窕淑女, 君子好逑!!!!

Ok, so now as my L:PR has been approved, i need to do formalities which requires another medical checkup endorsement by the clinic and also the letter of employment confirmation from HR. i’ve already managed to attain an HR copy of my empt. cert but since it’s only valid within 14 days so i’ve already wrote an email to my HR contact to create another new letter with date dated before the ICA formality date, which is on 10 Dec 2008… OMG it’s just so happen to be my big bro’s birthday!!! 😀 ok sooooo….. so far my short term goal has been properly on track and surprisingly.. when it comes to PR thing, time’s now ticking damn slow.. the moment i’ve been waiting since… is now counting…

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