
Archive for July, 2006

work work work!!!

gue nongbe meicen, emak! di Ex cari exmud Right to left: My Bro, Fendy, Me, Fendy’sgfriend, My Sis with lil kid.

幾天過得滿開心, 工作事雖然會覺得有點忙, 我還是有辦法抽時間出來跟我朋友出去聊 天什麼的. 這裡拜我板叫我翻譯這廣播節目合作提議, 花了不少精力, 兩天內我把全文翻譯做完. 謝 Dr.Eye 之一臂之力, 我一開始想翻譯工作真的是容易, 難的部分在于表達模式, 正確性, 高級與精華用詞… 我翻譯步驟與過程有點奇怪, 首先把印尼文翻成英文 (簡單) 然 后我用翻譯軟體來幫我做英語-中文解釋.. 不過有些詞我直接翻譯成中文… 辦公室裡有點悶, 除了沒有工作伙伴之外, 對于采礦,煉油, 等等我也不太有興趣, 唉… 對我而言,月薪也是算滿少 (我兼任公司會計員以及翻譯人員呢..) 那時后他們有請過一個翻譯人, 年齡60左右, 我頭家說他有點固執, 自以為是, 然后我頭家所的話他並不完全解釋清楚給他. 所以我頭家不得請他離開.我自己認為對這份工作也滿有前途,真的去努力追求事業的話, 未來發展機會就很高呢..我是他的唯一手下呢!!!嘿嘿..

常上班生活,早上7:30起床,洗個澡然后 問我媽有沒有襯衫借我穿,用人已經準備好了牛奶和下午便當,我就直接騎機車上班咯.. 8:30我應該已經抵達辦公室,打開電腦的影幕看有多少人留言..哈哈..我電腦從來沒關..在那也有時候會很無聊,沒事做,我主動跟我頭家請教,通常他 都一直會給我些資料來做參考, 我一般都會仔細地看..嘿嘿..下午5點整我通常直接跟他告別,看有沒有朋友約好時間去哪.像昨天我連續兩天到珍珠海 (PM)聊一下.. 11點晚上才回家.

昨 日我朋友, 家揚,慶祝他22年生日. 滿多人參加..大家都變了, 大家都看起來很成熟..(表面上而已呢..) .. 哼哼哼!.. 未來前途發展都無窮! 只差了幾個沒消息.. 其中兩就是我老大, 和世偉.. 他們倆不懂消失到那裡去.. 咱們都無法跟他聯絡.. =.=

下裡拜二我答應腓立去KG打個籃球. 裡拜一還要跟賴莉玲約好時間呢..

I’ll put additional pictures.. as requested….

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painful moment..

Two days just passed so swiftly.. it’s Monday again omg! … I’m fully indulged with jofyulness of holiday.. i don’t think i’m able to go back Singapore again.. although i’m fully abandoned my fave mmorpg, but sometimes i do missed chatting with them (warkop).. i heard from somene that my current guild is going to disband sooner or later, i’m not sure about this rumour but i think it’s quite obvious.. 3 class leaders applied to other guilds, i’m understand the reason behind it, that we’re currently stagnant on our position, unable to move on, and yet people that willing to spend time, efforts and gold think that we just lost a massive hard core raiding people in our guild.

Disbanding guild is not a good option. I think we need to have a restructuring, gearing up our new members, and progressing thorough the new instance. It may requires our patient and alot of efforts, but i think they should wait until the hardcores came back from indo.. Heard that notious is having a massive recruitment on certain classes that deemed and proved to be slacking from raid attendance. That’s a good step movement, i concur.

Saturday 22nd July 2006, I’m terribly bored at home that moment, in the morning my father asked me to accompany him and my bro to bekasi, to visit something which i’m not very interested about .. i rejected it and felt a bit regret. However, the good news is, iin also asking me to go to the church that evening. Better off instead of staying at home I.M.O

So we met at Binus University at 5pm, and move on straightly to Taman Anggek, went there only for buying a starbucks’s java chip chocolate etc etc. Personally i thought the brewer is not making that thing “standardized” to any other starbucks spreaded across continents. The taste is different (too sweet). Me and iin find a place to sit and drink, after a while iin saw a group of ladies that she’s familiar with, and i do know some of them but I’m not sure which one is which. (mei fang mei ying etc etc). this world is full of surprises… it is not?

Right after that we think we’re gonna late for the church thingy. I’m nervous as hell; she (iin) picked up her sisters and brother together in one Taft. It was fun I can tell.. my head is spinning around because I was sitting on the back, and wasn’t getting used to iin’s driving style. We came to the church and say a prayer. After overwhelmed by a long session of self denying, finally we go outside and hunt for the foods… yumm.. they’re (church mates) quite friendly I suppose, their attitude towards me as a stranger is unique, it’s not likely as what I’ve expected earlier (being ignored, etc etc). they recalled my name very fast and yet I hardly remembered their name.. we’re talking like we know each other for such a long time.. btw the clock is ticking fast. Time to go home and It’s somewhat outrageous since I ride my bro’s motorcycle from my home to muara karang… alone.. and yet it was very late that time.. yay…

Sunday 23rd July 2006 morning, when I woke up I saw a short message from renny, asking whether I can go together with her and agnes today or not. Instantly I replied yes, and I said I’ll pick her up asap. I called Hansen (猪肉) to come along also.. we watched a movie called “The Lake House”; my personal thought concerning this movie, hmm.. I think it’s a bit hoax and fake. It’s impossible to be true (It’s a movie lol how’s tat suppose to be real?) and the ending is hanging just like that.. oh yes, I met Arie brata’s parents and sis, I met Melissa, jiban and robby there. Like I said previously.. this world comprises a lot of surprises yes? Arie’s family seems fine on the surface, nothing much changed since I left to Taiwan.. his parents owned a car repair workshop same as my dad’s profession, as far as I know their place got severely damaged by the riots that were protesting that time, 1998.

15 mins after we met robby, a call from yulia shocked me much; she said she’s now having a car accident near the toll area to karawaci, her place. I offered a hand but she said she’s ok, her mother and cousins are coming to fetch her from the police office to her house. I called her several times but it was in vain. She said she got no battery at that moment and after I got home, around 00:30AM, I sms’d her, tell her to reply me as soon as she got home or read my message later on. She called me around 01:45AM, that time I was asleep, tried to get up and listen to her voice, she’s crying sadly, I tried to comfort her as much as I can, and this insane thought came out of nowhere.. “relax I’ll be there in 30mins” uhhhh shiett!! LoL I wasn’t really planning to go to karawaci that time, it’s vapid thought I presume, and with all courage I get up, get dressed up, and called Iroh to open the gate for me silently.. I’m afraid wake them up (parents, bros). I don’t know what the purpose of doing this is, but I’m still purely care about her, I wanted to be with her side.. so.. ya… that was the bravest action ever in my life.. (yet it was triggered by love! Huahahaha disgusting …. lol) I’m using benz 2523, the highest speed was around 130km/hour, the road is so clear and empty, i can reach there within 20mins of time..I reached there and I saw her pallor face, hoping for a hug.. so I comforted her, telling her that things gonna be all right, etc etc.. (别想歪)

I barely can’t sleep that night, I watched some pictures inside her hp, wrote a draft message on her cell phone, but I don’t know whether she’s reading it right now or not. sigh.. in the morning I feel sick. Very tired. Exhausted. The journey to my office (mampang) took 2 and a half hour from her place. Well.. I can understand coz it’s Monday morning yo!.. so I didn’t went straight to the office (since it’s 3 in one), and I changed to a motorcycle… I reached there JUST on time, around 8:50AM.. haha…

It is very nice of him, my boss, the way he treated me as an employee.. lol, he let me go home early since I got nothing else to do at the office, he gave me several information about the company that I’m currently working on btw, gave me a speaker to listen to his DvD movie about 2 years celebration of what wad I forgot. I downloaded new version of Winamp but I’d prefer using VLC media player.. I asked a permission to take the book back home for reference, and he said ok. So it’s a book concerning the history of machine lubricate. I read the prefaces and I think I’m interested on reading it further.

I came back early and called my ex, but she forbid me to go there ‘cause she needs rest, I knew it. I can’t force her to meet me though, and there you go.. my hope for rebuilding a broken heart vanished as soon as I called my other friends looking for some advice. She told me to move on, don’t think about her again. I give an excuse as I’m still can’t forget her too soon, but she replied me with few sentences and it’s hurt me most. In fact that my ex can live without my presence, and if she really has somewhat feeling towards me, she said she’ll respond to me thoroughly. And she further added the reason that it is not that I’m unable to forget her, but me myself would think not to forget her.. she told me the truth… although it’s bitter but.. our relationship is over. Get over it right now!!!!!!!!!

My future planning:
Making both recommendation, and resignation letter
Further reading on my bro’s books and make a 2 pages of summary and personal thought (real estate riches’s Robert kiyosaki)

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zodiac.. bener kagak ne?

Tips nge-gaet cowok Aquarius : Wah, kamu tuh beruntung banget kalo bahkan bisa dapet satu kali nge-date sama cowok Aquarius. Doi nggak cenderung untuk nge-dat nge-det gitu orangnya. Dia milih ke rumah kamu dan ngobrol semalam suntuk daripada pergi ke suatu tempat. Kalo doi udah kerja nanti, dia bisa agak pelit tentang duit. Doi cinta banget ama freedom nya. Kalo sampe cowok Aquarius jatuh cinta, pasti cewek itu tuh bakal yang intelek, dewasa, dan percaya dirinya tinggi. Kalo cewek punya gol atau tujuan di dalam hidupnya, doi bakal tertarik banget. Doi nggak peduli warna kulit kamu, agama kamu, berat badan kamu berapa, dsb. Kalo kamu termasuk cewek bandel, forget about Aquarius male deh!

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It’s still 8:20AM and i’m the only one in the office at the moment, my supervisor hasn’t come, and yet the air conditioner is still off. Damn i’m abit early today cause i’m afraid of three in one. My sister and bro both riding the same car, as their working place’s distance is nearby.

Yesterday i got an appointment with someone big.. hahah.. ah i forgot to take a pic with her. Lol.. nevermind.. i heard she’s going to have a surgery soon this morning.. well i hope she’ll be alright then.. i took her eat to hokben yesterday (her favs place), and very very very very very very surprisingly i met this old, very very old female friend of mine in Nocsh (zhuo ya hui), the last time i met her was … like 5 years ago? And yet she’s still the same.. although increased in size wise but still.. not much difference.. unfortunately shecan’t stay too long because she got another friend waiting for her.. haha.. well.. i hope we can still meet each other somewhere near the future then.. i gave her my msn and hp number.. and she told me she’s now working somewhere near Monday market (pasar senen) lol… and not yet attached 😀

It was heavy rain yesterday.. i’m all wet 😦

Hmm.. The office work is far more relaxing from what i thought. I have much greater flexibility of doing my things as long as i alraedy finished my work, and the supervisor himself seems keen to my perfrmance.. it’s sad cause i can’t interact with another person since we have only 1 employee and 1 officeboy atm.. the previous 2 person resigned, one is because of language communication problem, and another one is because the pay processing is not fast enough. The salary comes out after 5 days of account processing time.. well.. i’m all good as long as i receive some working experience from it. Analysing and summarying things is not simple as i thought.

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Assignment 1

A General survey had been conducted by PT. Heryantana Abadi Mandiri, concession area in Kelumpang Hulu district, Kotabaru regency, South Borneo province. It comprises a geological mapping in the whole 514,6 ha area, emphasizing on the accuracy, distribution, thickness, elevation, physical quality and quantity of coal deposits occurs in the area.


A preliminary infrastructures observation had been done along with geological survey. This includes transportation access both for regular operation that is for supplies and equipment exploration and for future coal haul road

Access to the investigation area is by four wheelled vehicle, started from Banjarmasin to Batulicin area, approximately 270 km, took around 6 hours of journey time. The road condition is generally fine, asphalt “hot-mix”, a typical province road. from Batu Licin area to the exact spot requires a four wheeled vehicle where the road condition is also covered by asphalt “hot-mix” until it reaches Hampang area and the rest is still on its hardened progression under HPH PT. Kodeco.

Socio – demographic

The population near that area is located at Lipon village, Kulumpang Hulu district, and although they’re spreaded everywhere, the activity such as gold panning, making the shingle roof, etc keep them intact as a whole community. However, the educational level is very poor here, and the only nearest community health centre is at Hampang district. The usual transportation is using a motorcycle from Lipon to Hapungu village, continued using a four wheeled public transportation to Batu Licin to buy some goods.


The general morphological setting of the area consists of most moderate slope wavy hills unit and the plain morphological setting is minimum. The river is considered as a sub-branch from Bangkalaan berstadia muda river, with the pattern of parallel trellis flowing from the north to south and east.

Coal beds are grouped into 2 seams, the first seam observed the S-01 and S-02, thickness varies from >0.90 to >1.0 meters. The slope is about 10° – 11° . since the floor rocks are not opened, the real thickness is therefore cannot be measured exactly.
From the HAM – 01 to HAM – 14 bore hole, we can see the coal thickness is between 1.40 to 1.80 meters. The coal shiningly black coloured, bright, hard, flatty-subconcoidal, fracturing and did not have parting. The second seam gathers its data from HAM – 01 to HAM – 14. The seam thickness is around 1.00 to 1.40 meters, the slope is around 9° to 15°. Shiningly black coloured, bright, hard, subconcoidal, fracturing, blackish chocolate scratch, with parting clay stone carbon. Coal analysis result shown that the quality of this coal is fair.

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Big day tomorrow!

Today morning a message just arrived from the person that interviewed me earlier last week. He confirmed me that I got the spot that I’m looking for and asked me when can I start to work, I was shocked and considered myself as the luckiest person in the world that time.. Instantly I replied to him that I’ll be available tomorrow and I thanked him for giving this rare opportunity to me.

I’ve been there before (the office) for an interview, as I’m observing around the building, the environment there is quite good. The office was settled way long before I applied this job. It’s a brand new office I suppose.. the office equipment is all new, computer, LCDs, desk etc. and there are 2 employers including himself around.

Unforgettable moment in my whole entire life, yes, because this is the first time i’m working as a full time office employee. The excitement arouse as I’ll often use my foreign language skill in this job.. I will devote my time for this job, committed to it and keep performing well within 2 months time. In the end, I’ll ask a recommendation letter, ask for an excuse to leave Jakarta for uncertain amount of time, and carry on my studies in Singapore. Perhaps the realization will be a bit differing from the original plan.

To develop a superb writing skill, one should read a lot of newspapers and practice him/herself thoroughly. This skill is quite time consuming and from my point of view, I’d prefer writing in English compared to Mandarin. One of the reasons behind it is the newspaper itself, 国际日报, as I’m not fully impressed with its content. Dull and boring perhaps.. I know maybe one or two of my friends did well in writing, it’s shown from the vocabulary that the person used. Well..

Working > Studying

Hell Yeah!

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几天我忙着找事情来做, 每天去我爸公司然后在那边帮做点事儿. 没事情做呢, 我就去我阿公家后面找今日的报子来看有没有什么应徵之消息. 昨天呢, 我就试试来打电话找工作, 教书也好, 做翻译人员也好. 有一些吸引了我的注意, 其中一个有一名从中国大陆来的人跟我讲好时间来见面. 他叫我传真我的资料, 简历等等之类.. 然后晚上他真的打电话叫我来呢.. 我了差不多2-3句就挂电话, 他明天再跟我联络. 我以为他真的没什么兴趣找我呢..


. 当我打电话给一个公司叫 中美国石油联盟什么的, 突然昨天的那个中国人打电话给我.. 叫我三点过去他那边.. 那我就立即地答应了他.. 到了那边之后, 发现周围人百分之九十都来自中国.. 穿着方式跟一般人有所不同.. 我就猜测他们是个卡拉OK

陪伴女人.. 等了差不多 15分钟左右呢, 我越觉得这情况有点不对.. 他们终于出现.. 讲些有的没的, 他们看过了我成绩时, 然后问这怎么一回事.. 国文都是60.. 我回答他, 侨胞中文程度跟本地生不同啊.. 我拿出些奖状咯.. 他们讲的超快, 咬文嚼字也不明.. 我屡次说 ??”

研究矿 产然后投资,是他们未来的发展计划.我一开始有点不信,还没设立了办公室,名片也显示跟我面谈的人就是个总经理.上次我下午3点来到他们的公寓,发现那位 总经理还睡觉呢.另外个伙伴帮他醒,然后他把那张工作签证拿出来叫我写的资料.唉.太可疑了.去展览会时他们叫我把些印尼文的石头叫我翻译成中文.我就尽 量做给他们看,内心存着现金的目的而帮他们做.不可思意的结局,

今天本来跟他打算要出去,我早上来他就这样叫我回家.我父母亲生气勃勃啦.我已经把3张翻 译给他们啦.2天时间就这样白白地过去.

今天下午我骑摩托车到 slipi 公寓来锻炼身体顺便游泳啊.已经好久没运动啦.肌肉有点抽筋的感觉,然后肚子有点不适.我看我早晚都会着凉啦.这几天我喜欢骑我哥的摩托车..明天有何打算呢?早上起来找点新闻来看应徵之良机,做当老师的简历与复习些不熟悉的英文单字..改天再聊.要睡觉了.

i. Loro Jonggrang 2006/7/16
ii. 李总经理 with his “sarong” 2006/7/16
iii. Loro Jonggrang 2006/7/16
iv. slipi apartment 2006/7/17

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Ding ding ding! auction!

me my father and one of my father’s employee, mr. rasyid went to see the item that being listed on the auction several days ago. one of the car’s condition (left), as you can see.. is heavily damaged. the recovery cost is tremendously high.. my father bid on it ard 10million (face value, perhaps).. the item is not worth a bid i suppose, but i think some of its parts can be sold anyway.. idk..

the pic on the right handside, on the other hand, receive damage the most only on the front part. the impact is somewhat medium and i already listed the items that we need to change and check the price on the market. (before determining the bid price)

i heard that those car got hit by a truck and about the passenger.. i’m not sure.. abt it.. let’s pray the best for him/her. 🙂

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She says "NO"

She says “No..”

Doesn’t know what’s the actual reason behind it, but she made up her mind.. and still… I don’t wish to interfere too much because I still respect her decision. I’ve never been like this before.. so fragile and I attached too much of my feeling on this. I feel guilty about her decision, she made my confidence deteriorated over time.. Every single word came out of her mouth is like a knife stabbing my heart over and over again.. her response to me recently does hurt me even more. Everytime I contacted her, I feel my jealousy everywhere ever since and I can’t control my curiosity feeling of asking her stupid questions that made her even disgusted about my presence. Yesterday I feel so confused whether I should carry on, go after her or abandon its effort. I asked my close friends but they turned up saying it’s too late, forget her and don’t expect too much. Firstly I would denied it myself.. being unable to accept the truth.. and it’s over now.. I should’ve believe them earlier.. 3 years of relationship banished within few seconds.. just like that.. wish that I could turn back time. But still, I never tasted a new passion experience before, as if it does have changed my mind towards my X later on. we shall see.. we shall see..

Best wishes within.

My elder brother advised me to carry on and learn from the past experiences. He gave me a series of books to read as it’ll fill up my emptiness recently and also increases my future reference. Thanks bro… :p tml I’ll read up newspaper and I’ll try to find a temporary tuition job.. I hope I can find it 😀

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Trip to Bandung!

Trip to Bandung! Reconciliation

4th July 2006, selasa, pagi2 gw nganterin tante2 temen nyokap ke mangga dua, di mobil ngejayus bgt gosip2 nye.. abisitu pegi ke toko kacamata, pagi2 bener belon ada yg buka gt.. ya uda setelah liat2, gw naksir ama kacamata yg gw pake skrg, framenye coklat and kacanye gue bikin coklat jg.. mantep dah jadinye.. although banyak yg bilang kayak ahbeng2 ya.. tapi die org mungkin belon biasa ngeliat gue kayak gini.. hehe.. ya di itung2 murah banget lah 125ribu doang for one glasses gitu lho.. nah bisito kite2 pada makan di lante atas, si iin sms mau ke mangdu jg ama nyokap ama adeknye.. akhirnye ketemuan jg disono ama meicen ama emak die org lagi makan.. die org ada beli makanan2 snack gitu seh … wah snacknye sisa banyak kmana smua tuh >.angga dua, ketemuan ama temen smp gw yg dulu di skul di swiss… die dah jadi assistant manager bo.. gahar jg die.. tugasnye tanya2 customer satisfaction doang.. seems simple but idk.. kite pegi ke PI2, eh baru sadar gw nga ada mobil, ya uda naek motor dah.. dah itu gw liat stnknye masi di pegang ngko gw.. jadi gw nekad aje naek mtr ke pi2.. gw ditulisin tanpa stnk gitu ama yg jaga… ya uda abisitu pegi bareng and ngbrol2 gitu dah.. gw da janjiin nanti gw bakal contact2 ama nina roy dia org.. abisitu pegi bareng jg… dah itu gw pulang simpruk dah.. malem2 ngeberesin barang kalang kabut jg.. siap2in buat besok brangkat ke bandung..

5th July 2006, rabu, pagi2 gw bangun jem 4an.. kayaknye pagi bgt ye? gw tanya si emak si nongbe ikut kgk, ternyata die org bener2 ke carita.. heard everyone said that die tambah gendut banget.. buset.. stress kali die ditinggal ama si vina.. gw jg bisa ngerasain seh perasaan kyk gitu gimana.. 1st love bener2 nga gampang bisa lupain gw bilang.. eh si vina nye malah pelarian gt.. gmn nongbe nye nga gendut makan mulu.. lol .. nah abis gw siap2 gue bawa risol 3 biji suru die org cobain.. gw nyampe depan TA jam 6 kurang 10 an

gitu.. nunggu2 abisitu si rombongan emak dating ama si moren meicen… die org kgk telat haha.. si iin yg telat.. tapi die dah bawa banyak makanan lho.. die bawa brownies ama kue serabi yg akhirnye nga abis.. =.= tapi emang brownies nye enak.. dalem perjalanan kite2 ngobrol ngalor ngidul gitu ampe nga bosen2 nye.. tebak2 an

sheng zi, share knowledge gitu.. gw suka de jadinye nga ketiduran haha.. bosen bgt nyetir pelan2.. nga bole ngebut2 kata mama iin jalan mesti nga bole lewat dari 80km/hour.. ya.. gitu.. pelan2.. tapi pasti 😉 emang cepet banget seh tolnye nyampe langusng di Pasteur.. abisitu langsung ke Factory outlet di daerah dago.. liat liat liat, gw beli mayan banyak jg buat kemeja, kaos ama celana pendek evisu cuman 105rb gitu.. mayan worth it gw bilang seh.. makan siang kite diwarteg gitu pinggiran jala
n makan mie ayam ama gorengan.. haha.. abisitu dah jem 4 an kite ke geger kalong tempat cottage nya.. mayan bagus
sih gw bilang disitu.. gwpertama2 ngirain tempatnye sama kayak yg kita pas bi ye lv xing.. gile mantep.. yg ini hai bu cuo lah.. sui ran tanya sini tanya sono tempat nye kagak tau ya akhir2nye ketemu jg..

setelah ketemu tempatnye gw yg tugasnye buat inget2 jalan lagi.. =.= nah abisitu kite rapi2 de di cottage nye.. malem2nya kira2 jem 8an makan malem ke daerah deket the peak.. ke valley ama sieera.. jalannya curam abis.. gw saranin mesti yg jago yg nyetir.. hoho.. jalannannye dah kyk naek turun bukit.. tapi emang pemandangannye bagus banget sih.. malem2 gitu sejuk2 kyknye romantis banget.. coba ada yulia disono.. waah… :p nah gw org di valley cuman makan tian pin doang.. side dish doang.. katanye emang enak sih di compare sama sieera’s main dish.. malemnye foto2 jg disono.. abisitu balik ke cottage nya.. nonton Saw I, abisitu tidur de.. gile gw mandi terakhir dah kgk ada aer panas.. dah abis T_T ya pilek2 de.. dah gw tidur setengah gitu eh… malemnye bangun malah cerita2 ampe jem 4 an ama moren ama iin jg.. pagi2nye demam.. lol… dingin banget seeeh…

6th July 2006, kamis, pagi2 jam 9 an gue bangun.. sikat gigi etc si emak ma meicen masak indomie.. hoho.. abisitu makan bareng deh pagi2… dah mao ke rumah mode dll.. factory outlet juga.. gw sebenernye mau beli2 tapi ngeliat dompet sisa 300 dah ngerem dah.. kemaren rabo dah beli banyak ..2 celana 3 bajju.. omg!!! Shopping spree gitu… ya gw tujuan nye cuman cari sepatu ama jeans item yg agak lebar jatohnye.. bisito nanti bayarnye pake ccard.. gw ada liat sepatu yg mayan tapi kyknye nga dmen2 banget.. gitu.. ngeliat baju kelamaan kayaknye bisa pusing juga.. banyak bgt orangnya gilak.. ditambah gw agak nga enak badan gitu.. lol.. siangnye makan di warung sunda.. suasananye, ditambah makanannya juga enak enak! Tu dah jem 3 an kali.. abisitu kite org ke kebon strawberry ceritanye mau minum yoghurt nya.. atonga ke perternakan sapi gitu.. minum susu.. ditengah jalan pada ngejayus jadi kebon sapi gt.. es teh anget lah etc etc.. malemnye ke lembang, nyari2 kebon strawberry yg bisa metik sendiri gitu tapi nga kecari.. akhirnye ke kafe apa gw lupa makan2 roti bakar and susu yoghurt.. asemmmmmmmmm banget dah.. haha.. pulangnye kite2 pada ke daerah riau.. berhubung dah malem jadi kite2 balik deh.. eh baliknye ada yg kebakaran di deket cihampelas.. jadi muaceet.. tapi gw emang akuin org2 bandung friendly2 banget.. ditanyain jalan jarang banget boong, abisitu kalo nga tau malah bilang maap maap gt.. baek deh.. gw kira2 dah tau jalan sih kalo pegi2 lagi.. hehe.. eh malemnye kite2 aturan mau ntn saw2, tapi nga jadi soalnye dvdnye ngaco.. nga bisa diliat de.. ya gw langsung tidur dah.. ngantuk bgt gitu.. malem2nye banyak nyamuk ampe nga bisa tidur.. =.=

7th July 2006, Jumat, pagi2 bangun dah kayak kebo.. nguannttukk banget.. gw liat si emak meicen moren die org da pada bangun.. tapi mang bener2 shu fu banget sih tidurnye.. pengennye untel2 dirnjg terus.. enak banget.. sejuk2.. akhirnye gw bangun jg.. mandi makan mie pagi, abisitu siap2 deh.. foto2 sekalian gitu diluar cottage nya.. bener2 cepet sih keliatannya.. 3 hari 2 mlm… pulangnya lgnsung menuju jln riau, ngelanjutin kmaren ke outlet hermitage gt, abisitu makan di kafe bali ato apa gt.. zi zhu can gitu.. pedes2 banget makanannye.. bibir gw ampe jeber gitu dah.. lol.. abisdari sono kite2 beli oleh2 buat masing2 beloved person.. ya gw beliin doi dikit doang sih.. smoga aja die seneng :p abisitu ke kartika sari, abisitu siang2 about to leave minum stroberi lagi.. wah enak de.. abisitu pulang deh.. bener2 cpet banget ye waktu brlalu.. si emak ma meicen dah stress kuar banyak duit.. blanja2.. lol.. tapi gw bilang gw jg jarang banget belanja2… gw ok ok aje.. worth banget ! murah2, barangnye bagus2 pula.. ya dah di bandungnye bensin tinggal ½ gitu.. bu zhi bu jue jalan di tol langsung tiba2 tinggal ¼… huahhah.. langsung pada kalang kabut nyari gas station.. gile di tol dah ampe nyala gitu takaran bensin nye.. dah pada matiin ac lah.. lol.. gw nyalain lagi kan panas .. ya nga :p mobilnye nga mogok akirnya.. padahal die org dah pada histeris2 gitu.. si meicen smpet ngomongin yg aneh2 lagi.. pake “zou zou de” apaan pula.. =.= dasar… dahgitu ya dah anterin die org pulang dah.. perut gw dah kenyang banget padahal.. makan2 mulu 2-3 hari ini .. naek 3-4 kilo gua.. haaaaaaaaaa…….

8th july 2006 sabtu, gue bangun pagi2 ke cathedral dateng ke acaranye perkawinan sioli.. gila ngeliat dia dah married gitu jadi minder sndiri.. gw masi skul gitu lho.. 😀 and gw ketemu sohib2 gue di qiao zhong.. foto2 sini and sono.. bener2 hen nan de banget bisa kumpul2 bareng lagi bo.. pagi2 gw ketemu cun2 ama si William, abisitu ketemu si robby, ngeliat yg anak guo zhong bu jg dah tambah cheng shou banget.. beda bgt ama dulu gitu masi katro2 skarang dah zhang da le.. adeknye meicen cantik juga gw bilang.. mirip banget ama bulan, tapi die gw bilang lebi cakep jg.. ada si san san jg dateng ma cowonya, mei xiang, juwi, si mumek juga dateng lol.. bener2 rare opportunity banget tuh.. abis dari gereja kite org ke tamani café.. makan2 1 kluarga besar qiao zhong.. ada lomba ngejayus, siul sambil ketawa.. pkknye aneh2 dah idenye.. bisito die org karaoke di 36.. denger2 daerah yg nga bener sih tapi ya gitulah namanye jg dah dewasa.. gituan mah biasa2 aja kali.. hahah.. tapi gw denger pada mau ke 36,
si em
ak meicen ama moren ajak gw ke eX, nongkrong2 katanye die org sih cari2 exmud.. lol executive muda coy… sekalian cuci mata dah.. banyak ce yg modis2 and sexy disono.. gileee ajeeee…. Dah kelar dari ex ngobrol2 gitu gue keruma moren ngbrol2 jg sekalian pake uzap nye die.. bakar lemak.. lumayan lah.. lol.. ruma die mang jarang kekurangan makanan.. sekeluarga subur semua gitu.. ngko2nya agak pendiem org rumahan jg.. mirip2 gw tapi lebi parah lagi.. (sori mor ye :p) hmm… abisitu gw nganterin emak meicen pulang deeh …

9th July 2006, minggu, gw da ying bokap untuk temenin dia pegi nganterin mobil innova yg mau disewa di cinere.. pagi2 gw dah dibangunin.. jem 5:30am gitu bangun.. abisitu setelah serah terima mobil kite be2 ke rumah pegawai negeri buat ngeloby + ngeorder.. dijalan dah kayak org ngantuk mata gw berat banget pengen nutup aje … cuapeeee bgt dah.. tapi untung mata gw bisa tahan.. sampe di rumahnye ya gitu.. ngantuknye dateng lagi.. =.= akhirnye kite pulang juga.. bokap dimobil sempet cerita2 tentang kebaikan seseorang.. kebanyakan org yg baik sama kita pasti ada apa2 nya, It’s a common secret that people are selfish and only think about our own benefits and seldom think about other people’s feeling. Jadi kalo ada org yg tiba2 bener2 baek ama lu mesti ati2.. haha.. gw pertama kali yg bilang “akh, is it reliable enough? Seems doubtful..” tapi according to my father’s experience, emang ppl surround him da bu fen emang gitu… yah liat2 orang juga sih.. ppl will learn from their own experience.. kayak gw minjemin duit ke temen, bonyok gw langsung marahin gw, katanya kalo urusan soal utang dah susah, bisa break someone’s feeling punya.. it’s a sensitive prblm he said. Gw belon ada sih pengalaman temen gw nga bayar duit yg die sempet ngutang ama gw, tapi yah gitu lah.. si emon jg dulu gw close one eye ama dia, gw inget banget di qiao zhong gw dah kayak renternir minjem2in duit ke org.. omfg.. (tanpa bunga tapinye ye, renternir kecil2 an gitu) T_T gue sampe catet di hp …. Lol…. Bener2 nga bisa lupa tu… nagih2 nye susah.. and it’ll hurt friendship imo.. tapi kalo ga pinjemin jg nga enak.. yah… gimana yeh.. dilemma dah gini mah… err… abisitu gw pagi2 makan bareng ama ardi cici and bokap, makan rebus rebusan gt.. beda sih ama restoran2 tapi mayan enak kok :p … bisitu gw tidur nyenyak dah… die org ngeliat pameran komputer di JTC, gw diajakin tapi ogah dah.. capek capek.. gw liat gw mesti olah raga lagi ne ngebentuk body.. dah gendut.. hikz.. ehmm.. malemnya jam 6an gue and bokap dijemput ama cung2 mao pegi ke kondangan bareng mpek pewa, aem, cihan and cung2. kondangannye di wtc mg2 lantai 6.. makan enak deeeh :p haha… ada si miming ama istrinya juga.. gw sempet salamin die org kok.. istrinya mayan tinggi .. si miming kalah kali hahaa… fun jg sih nanti kumpul2 bareng ama anak2 gitu sodara2 istri waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh…. Tunggu 5-6 taon lagi dah.. gue bakal nga bisa bayangin ramenya kayak gimana… wah wah wah.. 😀 pada saat itu gue harap nga ngecewain bonyok gw, yi fu mu qin wei rong… sense of an achievement (must have)

Eh tadi bokap gw ada ngomong tentang keterikatan… tapi gw mesti praktekin soalnye perasaan and keaddaan sekarang ini bener2 cocok buat latian meditasi ini.

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