
Archive for November, 2009

Google Wave Invitation!!

I’ve just received an invitation to the early preview of Google’s new toy.. so called Google Wave.. they’ve provided me with the account and given me 8 limited invitations for my own friends.. Wave is about interactions so.. it’s fun to have others to wave with, so in the mean time I won’t be using unless a friend has the invitation as well.. noting that this is a preview so it could be a bit rocky at times as they’ve said the invitations will not be sent immediately… They’ve a lot of stamps to lick… LOL..

Send me a pm for invitation and if you do have one, add me at exeqzalie at googlewave.com.. Happy waving!

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I don’t quite understand what to pick other than the STI and other indices basically.. and I was trying to scratch my head to figure out what’re the symbols for… NCPS %.%, BAReC, BNPeCW etc etc.. and what they represents there.. and I figured out that these are actually kinds of stocks which turns out to be preferred shares.. (NCPS = Non Convertible Preference Shares), the other 2 kinds are common stocks and stock classes with different ticker..
Well, according to investopedia, the definition of preffered stock is a class of ownership in a corporation that has a higher claim on the assets and earnings than common stock. Preferred stock generally has a dividend that must be paid out before dividends to common stockholders and the shares usually do not have voting rights.
With preferred shares, investors are usually guaranteed a fixed dividend forever. This is different than common stock, which has variable dividends that are never guaranteed. Another advantage is that in the event of liquidation, preferred shareholders are paid off before the common shareholder (but still after debt holders). Preferred stock may also be callable, meaning that the company has the option to purchase the shares from shareholders at anytime for any reason (usually for a premium).

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This really is a browser with an OS attached rather than vice versa. I get my tab-based navigation up top, and the focus is of course on the internet, with minimal option buttons on the far right and app launchers at the top left. They act and function much like their online counterparts, but for the significant lag and choppiness that may be attributed to the still very early stage of development or the fact it’s running on a virtual machine…


One thoroughly pleasing thing to note is that the “machine” booted to the login screen in under 10 seconds, and i’m ready to browse the web within another five… really amazing.. I’ve give it a try this afternoon.. so after downloading the .vmdk from piratebay and uncompressed, here’s rough step by step quick installation:

1. Download the virtual hard disk at Piratebay – Click here
2. After download has been completed, uncompress and open up ur vmware.
3. Choose “I will install the OS later.”
4. Select “Other” and “Other Linux Kernel 2.6” for the guest operating system (I think wmare gonna add Google Chrome OS to the available list soon)… btw I use Ubuntu as a choice and it works just fine…
5. Add memory – I set my VM to use 1 GB RAM
6. Use Bridged Networking.
7. On the Select a Disk screen, select “use an existing virtual disk and browse for the .vmdk that you downloaded and decompressed.
8. I chose to convert the disk format to the newest format. (VMWare 7.0)
9. Login as username: mark, and password: chromeos

Here’s some of the useful article reg. Chrome OS:
1. Lifehacker: First Glimpse of ChromeOS
2. Engadget: First Impression (VMWare Download)
3. Google Chrome OS Blogspot
4. Chromium Project Link (Build Instructions)

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现在的我,似乎每天重复着一样的事情,每天不管醒来或者上班回到家,不管眼睛是否睁开,第一件事就是打开我的电脑,然后登上我的MSN, 開個Chrome, 直接連我到五/六個經常打開的網頁…bbc.news.co.uk, Straitstimes, Gmail, Facebook, Hotmail, Yahoo, 然后上廁所.. 才洗脸/洗澡, 刷牙,完了過後就鎖門在房間裡坐下来.. 然後大部分的时间都是在电脑上度过的,呵呵…. 似乎都有电脑综合症了耶… 还有些事情我每天都不会落下的…

也就是看看有沒有新的電影阿, 維基百科, 偶爾寫寫日記, 玩玩電腦遊戲…. 这点似乎成了一种习惯了.. 我似乎真的很少跟我朋友出去玩了.. 老媽說.. 赚钱真的很重要.. 可是生活方面也要注意些… 我也想着让自己轻松些.. 多出去走走, 玩玩.. 但是我还是做不到.. 24岁了.. 明年二月25 嘍….似乎没有认真的花全部精力去做一件事.. 既然选择了 我只准自己成功 不准失败的 现在再怎么辛苦也值得的吧 这个年龄了 似乎该为自己好好打算了 曾经的几年, 荒废了 现在要全部追回来..

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Evoking Seclusion..

Waah.. My parents and 敏傑師父 are coming to S’pore next week for 3D2N trip.. I was thinking to get them to stay at my place but unfortunately my landlord doesn’t really allow me to bring them over to stay although I offered her additional pay on current month’s rental…
Did my laundry and errands yesterday.. watched 2 movies but I can’t remember what was it… oh! The taking Pelham 123 and Inglorious Basterds.. the former was good to watch and lots of mind boggling quotes inside.. the latter.. too many conversations ongoing, rampant slang, metaphors, weird cowboy, france accents are being used which layman like me hardly understand..

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Paradox of Thrift.. Argument..

I’ve been saving more during the past recession.. Some economists worry that saving, while good for the individual, can be harmful to the economy as a whole. This is commonly called, “the paradox of thrift,” a theory developed by Keynes, a popular economist who in the early 20th century saw spending as the basis of an economy…

Keynes looks at a recession as a vicious cycle, illustrated here:
· Less money is being spent by consumers.
· Demand for products and services decreases.
· Businesses reduce production and eliminate jobs to meet demand.
· Unemployment increases, resulting in less income for saving or spending.
· Rinse and repeat.

In this model, it is theorized that saving more money can eventually result in having less money to save on an aggregate level. The only thing that can break this cycle is something external. In our case, it is the government. The first treatment was “stimulus,” payments given to taxpayers (from current or future tax receipts) to help “stimulate” the economy.

The easiest argument against the validity of the paradox of thrift is that, for the most part, there is no such thing as saving money. Money is either spent now or it is spent later. Another possibility is that it is invested now and transferred to a business, and the business either spends it now or spends it later. When you decide to spend money later, in almost all cases, you put the money into a bank account, which provides the bank with more funds with which to provide loans to businesses now.

As long as banks to continue to loan out money, the economy doesn’t decline. But as we see now, thanks to the “credit crunch” (which we haven’t been hearing about as much recently), that’s not happening. In short, it’s not consumer spending or saving, but the financial industry’s refusal to lend money to credit-worthy businesses that is keeping us amidst the recession.

But the argument is, When people save, they don’t spend. Above argument stated that it is OK… because the bank will have deposits to lend … but what a business needs is revenue.. not loans… Most businesses have a lot of loans already because businesses are financed by loans. They need revenue to pay the interest, and other expenses. Given poor revenues, a business can’t usually get more loans to survive simply because it can’t pay it’s bills.

A business is the same as a person. You wouldn’t say that if a person has a low-paying job then that person should finance a high-flying lifestyle on credit cards. You would say that the person should reduce the lifestyle. For a business, this means reducing expenses which usually means lay-offs or closure.

The economy is definitely not broken at the lending level, except due to the crazy mortgages that originally started this. Banks do not lend even to each other because they no longer know the risks of the loans and they have to ensure that they have enough money themselves to remain solvent. Assets are worth much less now and risks are much higher. In those situations there is simply no money to lend, not that the bank is refusing to lend…

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Distributed Hash Table (DHT)

The easiest way to think about DHT is to imagine it as a form of ’super tracker’, in some ways a lot like WinMX and Kazaa of old. A large ad-hoc network of peers pass on information requests about torrents without a central server, meaning no control or single point of failure. No information about the contents or even the names of torrents are passed around, making this legal and hard to shut down.

Myth: DHT slows your system down
Generally not true — It can slow down your connection depending mainly on network hardware. The actual data used in running DHT is low, generally less than 1kilobyte a second. Some routers and modems, however, can have problems with DHT causing lockups and restarts if they run out of ram. This mostly happens with lower spec ‘home’ equipment (such as older Belkins, Netgears and D-links), or telco-provided hardware.

After reading the said article I quickly disabled DHT feature in uTorrent…
Click here for full article

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Personal Financial Ratios

Liquidity Ratio
Formula: Liquid Assets / Monthly Expenses
Our Example: $68,070/$6,892 = 9.9
Target: 3-6 months

Housing Payment Ratio
Formula: Monthly Housing Costs / Monthly Gross Income
Our Example: $825 / $7585 = 10.88%
Target: Less than 28%

Solvency Ratio
Formula: Total Assets / Total Debt
Our Example: $265,570 / $146,654 = 1.81
Target: Greater than 1.0

Savings Ratio
Formula: Savings per Year / Annual Gross Income
Our Example: $18,000 / $91,000 = 19.78%
Target: 8-25% depending on age

Debt to Income Ratio
Formula: Annual Debt Payment / Annual Gross Income
Our Example: $9900 / $91,000 = 10.88%
Target: Less than or equal

i found out that this article is GOOD to read…

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Current Capital Ratio

I’m a fan of using financial tool to analyze my personal financial position and progress. I’ve done this so far using basic reports provided by Quicken.. The reports are basically cater for many things, e.g bill reminder, monthly paycheck, etc.. including both comparison (spending comparison) and budgeting.. but I hardly use the budgeting feature since I don’t really budget my expense.. (which I should by the way), well I’ll digest it in near future perhaps..

When investors and decision makers analyze companies, they also look beyond these statements. There are a number of ratios or comparisons that tell a better story, especially when these ratios are examined over time.

One of these is the working capital ratio, also known as the “current ratio.” This ratio describes how well one can meet short-term debt obligations. It answers the question, “Will I be able to make all of my payments this year?” The working capital ratio compares current assets and current liabilities. When evaluating businesses, for assets and liabilities to be “current,” they are either convertible to cash within a year (assets) or due to creditors within a year (liabilities).

And shit.. I found out that I don’t have any liabilities… The ratio seems to fluctuate from month to month due to my special and holiday spending. But are these numbers any good? Any ratio higher than 1.00 means I will be able to meet my short-term debt obligations. A business might be happy with a ratio around 2.00. This is high enough to meet obligations with wiggle room, but not so high that an excessive amount of capital is held in cash when it could be invested, earning more money.

The standard ideal is about 2.00..while it’s good for biz, it might be too low for evaluation of an individual’s financial situation. It may be a sign of too much debt leverage. Leverage can be risky, and one person’s tolerance for risk may be different than another’s… The optimal working capital ratio may vary from one individual to another, and I’m in the midst of understanding all the ratios.. hmm.. accouting & finance huh..

Nevertheless, I think my ratio may be too high. The best solution isn’t taking on more debt, i don’t have credit card until now though.. but more efficiently investing my cash and savings accounts.. which.. one of the alternative way is to purchase stocks through brokers.. hmm.. risky..


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Misleading Cheerful

Here comes the tide of darkness that will shatter good and succeeding evil, I stood silent for a moment of serenity, grief and sadness.. Persistence of envy, greedy promises diluted mind.. Enough is enough.. I promise I won’t waste mah money often into these.. When emotion took over sane and its glorious rationality, their realm of darkness will reign for years to come…

One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And wait till you’re sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you’re so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence… – DR “Bones” McCoy (StarTrek2009)

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