
Archive for April, 2008

1.0.12 to 1.5.3 migration

This morning i woke up rather early, around 9am.. so.. today’s plan is to prepare a necessary backup for both of the site content and database table. I’ve been following the instruction for 1.0.12–>1.5.0 migration, but after spending 2-3 hours tinkering the shit, well… it’s still.. no apparent solution until i forced to give up… (take a break and eat some lunch first i mean)..

I’ve compressed the site’s content into one single zip file, but handling the database, on the other hand, was quite tricky. I’m quite shocked when i saw the backup .sql file.. it’s 12Mb! damn.. wondered for a few mins and i figured out that i think it’s because the statistics.. and prediction was right.. and uh.. i think it’s time to eliminate the gathered data.. (btw joomlastats gathered all kinds of useful stats). after purging its table, the size immediately reduced to just friggin 3Mb..

ok after mounted the site on a testing server (which is my xampp), populated, imported the dbase, and changed its configuration.php file, it work’d like charm. ok so i’ve now got a mirror site on my localhost, and i’m goin to test the official migration tool that i’ve downloaded earlier. (com_migration stable v.1 release — download link HERE). i installed it without problem, configured here and there, it comes out as a table structure that’s specially modified for version 1.5.. so after the dbase table structure has been changed from previous 1.0.12 to version 1.5, i created a new directory, downloaded 1.5.3 (newest stable version of the Joomla! CMS), mounted on my server, and here comes the trouble.

It appears that the table unsuccessfully populated with the old content. shit. i’ve tried several times tweaking here and there, searching some solutions in the Internet and it seems most of the people also experiencing the same error. (btw the data migration is only for the core joomla table, i think i’ll need to export and import the other tables manually.. FB, expose, shit load of them..

Ok that’s 2 hours. the 3rd hours i’ve managed to see some of the useful extensions out there, and it seems this mtwMigrator won’t solve the problem either. I’ve installed this component on the v.1.5.3, and it works and succesfully migrated some of the tables, but some of them are not migrated due to duplicated key.. .. hmmm…

Hopefully it’s not a dead end and i’ll hope i’ll find the answers sooner… erm.. some ppl might ask, why do i want to migrate?.. this is mainly because the old ones are … maybe … suck… first time installing it and lots of stupid experimentation ends up screwing the core content, and some of the stupid component table can’t be eliminated (zoom ftl), corrupted dbase table, unstable and stuff idk… besides that, killing my time perhaps..

the domain name and the webhost gonna expires soon.. i better hurry up searching local webhost company to rent.. erm.. local webhost most likely to be more reliable, fast and cheap.. well… since i can’t choose all three, perhaps i’ll sacrifice on the price.. this time, i’ll focus on the quality instead… anyone have recommendations?

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月底咯!准备要领薪水啦。最近我生活算是太充实了吧? 早上最迟要六点起床,否则赶不上六点十五分的巴士, 当一个老师, 最怕的是迟到。来回路程至少需要三个钟头,还好巴士上有位子坐。今天我教同样的教材给不同的班级,只是给学生们简单介绍怎么用数位相机和写短篇,短篇内容呢,按照个人所拍的照片而写。 这入门教材我已经讲过三遍了(给其他三个班级简单介绍),所以这次讲起话来会比较顺。下午呢,换职业为电话推销,销售人员。除了做推销之外,我也帮我经理打电话与求职者安排面谈会议。无聊吧?还没拿到文凭..无法找到指定的职业.

唉, 总觉得, 在大家与导师面前讲课对我来说是一种。。。


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Assassin’s Creed

The coolest game i’ve ever played. Assassin’s Creed. I have dwnloaded this game few months back, it was still a beta version with lots of crash and bugs inside (especially the Jerusalem, voice sound, etc), the overall time to download took around 2weeks, together with the fixes for Jerusalem.. so.. the fact that the game was downloaded 2 months ago, and uh.. i’ve got no time to play it until now.. but now at least the stable version is out, so i downloaded the whole 7GB .iso file again. at first i saw the torrent seed was like .. omg.. over a thousand people seeding it.. and the speed is scary.. the peak is almost 800kb/secs… that 7GB thing finished download in less than a day. dayum.

Information related to Assassin’s Creed :: here
Creed: A creed is a statement or confession of belief — usually religious belief — or faith often recited as part of a religious service. The word derives from the Latin: credo for I believe and credimus for we believe. It is sometimes called symbol (Greek: σύμβολο[ν]), signifying a “token” by which persons of like beliefs might recognize each other

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初见“香积厨”,首先已对它的名字产生了好奇。据说,香积厨原是寺庙内僧家私厨之名,取香积佛及香饭之义。初念起来并不是那么顺口,但写出来却十分 秀雅,一旦弄清楚了是哪几个字就再也不会忘记。僧家之厨,哪道与素食有关?“香积厨”的老板解释说,心素即佛,与吃不吃荤没有关系,正所谓“酒肉穿肠过, 佛主心中留“。所以“香积厨”照卖各路荤菜。
当“挂牌上市”的香积厨私家菜成功推出后,香积厨又推出了“杀手锏”厨艺表演,即厨房的设计从封 闭式改为透明式,食客们可以清清楚楚在看到自己将要吃下肚的菜品是怎样历经一道道工序做出来的。这一大胆的创新,打破了多少年来各酒楼、餐馆讳莫如深的 “厨房重地闲人免进”的禁忌,此举令人钦佩。还有一件值得称道的是,香积厨的任何食案均可将自己的私家拿手菜提供给香积厨。主厨在香积厨巡食,当被部分食 客认可,就将上牌推出,提供者可永远免费点这道美味。

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这两个礼拜我不得不早起。我当老师已经差不多两个礼拜了。现在要讲心得感想阿,有点难。尽管遇到很多挫折, 我仍坚持把课教完. 当助教老师我觉得比较好,不用管课程进度等之类问题, 只是要管班上的秩序罢了. 我第一次担任正式老师的职位时,心里都一直在担心课教不完。课教不完怎么办? 时间短,如果戈壁班老师能把课教完,我却没有,那不是丢脸么?唉哦。反正比我一开始想象中的老师还要难多多了。

在帶領三年级爱班(3-Love)的小学生们,让我最大的明显感触是学生们的秩序. 不管是讨论写作业, 效率都比三年级优雅班 (3-Grace)还要好. 这好像有跟导师与各各家长所影响. 两个班级的学生行为完全相反. 各个班级一定会有一两个调皮学生.. 我喊也有时候没用.

小朋友们的个性天生都活泼开朗, 无法阻止这天然性的行为. 三年级学生刚上学不久,虽然教师已经通过其他途径向他们进行了遵守课堂纪律的教育,但是,由于学生年纪小,调节自己行为的能力差,时常管不住自己,所以,违反课堂纪律的现象还会发生。这些缺点如不及时纠正,久而久之,形成习惯,改正起来是很费力的。因此,不失时机地对他们进行遵守课堂纪律的教育十分重要。

我一开始教他们也有点发抖呢.. 站在大家面前, 我可看到四十个小朋友们的眼睛都瞪着我呢… 虽然他们还是个小朋友, 紧张之态还是会多多少少出现. 教了五天之后呢, 我慢慢就会习惯教小朋友们的方式. 有时在餐厅碰到小朋友们, 他们不仅地开始叫我名字呢(打个问候而已) . 我会想念他们的。 希望他们会好好地成长。

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我朋友问我什么是 “慧命永存”, 我自己也不知道,问我来自中国的些朋友,他们也不知.
所以呢,我就上网搜索答案.. 后来发现这成语跟佛教有密切的关系. 找那成语的直接翻译却没有, 让我头痛不已. 我就找”慧命” 这词到底是什么意思.

《 佛学大词典 》
(一)梵语a^yus!mat,巴利语 a^yasmant。意谓具寿命。又作具寿。乃对有德比丘之尊称。摩诃僧祇律卷十三(大二二·三三二下):‘佛住舍卫城时,慧命罗侯罗到。’(参阅‘具寿’3079)
慧命 – 相关条目
(三)(531~568)南北朝僧。 太原晋阳(山西)人,俗姓郭。十五岁出家。专修方等、普贤等忏法。后游河阳仙城山,住善光寺。复偕友游学,参礼思、邈二师,方尽袪所滞。北周天和 (566~571)初年,返仙城山,弘扬所学。于天和三年示寂,世寿三十八。著有大品义章、融心论等。[佛祖统纪卷二十八、续高僧传卷十七、卷二十一、释 门正统卷三]

慧命 【zdic.net 汉 典 網】


knowledge and intelligence adalah nafas hidup dari “Fa Shen”, tubuh kita memerlukan makanan dan minuman untuk berkembang, nah kalau “Fa Shen” tersebut membutuhkan knowledge dan intelligence untuk berkembang. kalo knowledge sama intelligence nye kacau, “Fa Shen” juga akan menghilang.

“Fa Shen” itu adalah penjelmaan kebenaran dan kebijaksanaan dari seseorang.

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SFEN Final Exam!

I’ve checked the student portal and just figured out that the final SFEN Exam @ 21 May 2008.. and uh.. i think it’s 4 days after my big brother’s marriage.. aaaaaaahhh!!

soooooo… okay.. yesterday i checked my email and wow! i felt like i’m the luckiest ppl on earth.. JIT (Just In Time).. i received jetstar’s email regardin latest ticket promotion! (i’m quite happy when i saw “Singapore – Jakarta starting from $28” wow.. so i searched for a return ticket around 10-18 may, and several minutes after that euphoric moment…

HELL, i clicked ok, the thing popped up.. and says..

“Only applicable for minimum purchase of 2 (t.w.o) tickets”… damn.. i think i’m being fooled by the ads.. /sigh.. think im going to book a normal return trip which costs me around err… $250 maybe? $250 can buy a new mobo .. damn..


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We took a picture after completing the whole course and its evaluation.

4th grade primary sch students… hmm.. we taught them how to create a website and do some simple cartoon animation using macromedia flash. (now is adobe flash though) although the software itself is an education version, but it’s more than sufficient for them to explore how wonderful these tools are..

Some of them are quite slow in terms of absorbing new instruction and stuff, but i do notice one particular “bright” student … (he’s sitting infront with ben’s hand on his head patting maybe..). idk his name but he has impressed me alot… (creative, sooo friendly, and uh.. idk maybe smart)

The other class (morning ones) is quite slow in terms of progress.. so we don’t have much time to gather up and take a picture together..

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1. Re-map the Keyboard of Your Excitable Co-worker

Every company has a sales rep who uses exclamation marks excessively (“C’mon guys!! We can do better this quarter!!!”). Use a program like KeyExtender, a registry hack that re-maps their keyboard so that exclamations and question marks are switched. They may begin to question their sunny outlook in life: “C’mon guys?? We can do better this quarter??? Guys??”

As they paw helplessly at their keyboards, sidle up and ‘fix’ their problem. Don’t forget to smile.

2. The Speech-to-Text Platform Joke
You’ll need a wireless keyboard for this. Set up a meeting with a colleague to teach them a speech-recognition program (you’ll need a plausible reason why the company needs this). Then, right before the meeting, connect your keyboard wirelessly to the victim’s computer. Explain to the victim that the program will have to be trained to recognize their voice, and give them a sample sentence to try out. As they do this, have a co-worker a few desks away type gibberish into the program page (“Boomshakalaka!).

The poor guy will make a fool of himself talking louder and changing his pronunciation to try and make it work.

3. Desktop Havoc on the Mac

A London design firm called Troika has produced video of an amazing computer “virus,” which may or may not be publicly available. It’s probably just a clever art project, but it’s too good not to mention here. Nonetheless, Troika’s Newton Virus is a Mac bug that rearranges the desktop icons using the accelerometers built into recent MacBooks. When the unsuspecting user picks up their laptop, all the icons and menu items fall to the ground as though under the influence of gravity. Watch it here:

4. Optical Mouse Confusion
This is an update of the old mouse-ball-removal trick: A small piece of tape over the laser sensor on an optical mouse will cause it to go haywire. Just color the nonstick side of the tape with a Sharpie and then tape it over the lens.

A Wired.com reader last year reported that someone at a major tech company (it rhymes with ‘Frisco’) was fooled by this trick four times in a single day. Sometimes the simplest pranks are the most enjoyable.

5. Change the Language Settings on Google
When a co-worker leaves her computer unattended for a minute, quickly go to Google’s home page and click on “Preferences.” There, you can choose the interface language of the search engine. Klingon, Hacker and Yiddish are all excellent choices, but Elmer Fudd is our personal favorite. As Elmer, you can use the Google Diwectowy, perform a Google Seawch or find out if you’re ‘feewing wucky.’

You’ll be amazed how few people realize you can do this. The change-the-language trick also works well on cellphones.

6. The BlueScreen of Death Screensaver
The BlueScreen of Death error in Windows has driven lots of users to the fringe of computer homicide. Tap into the river of pain by installing the BlueScreen of Death Screensaver on a friend’s machine. It’s available at Microsoft’s IT website Technet, but there are several others out there. Just make sure it doesn’t have a real virus.

What’s likely to happen? The victim will reboot his machine by hitting the restart button. Hopefully, they didn’t save their work!

7. Splitting Monitor Cables
This is one even software geeks won’t easily figure out. Open up their monitor cable (don’t worry, it’s safe) and wire the RGB lines to different colors — this will totally warp the image on the screen. Everyone will assume it’s a software problem. You’re so clever. You can thank us later.

8. The Old Screenshot-as-Desktop-Wallpaper Gag
This classic is as good as gold. Take a screenshot of your friend’s desktop and make it their desktop wallpaper. You’ll have to minimize applications, hide all of the desktop icons, and set the Windows task bar to auto hide. Pull up a comfortable chair and pretend to feel their pain while they click like mad and rail at the gods.

9. Change Autocorrect in MS Office
People are too reliant on some common programs that help them cheat, such as the Autocorrect feature in MS Office. Capitalize on their laziness by adding a few of your favorite “alternative” spellings.

Common words like “about” or “together” work well. Even better, try subtly adjusting the spelling of your victim’s name. It’s so hard-wired into most people’s fingers, they hardly look at it. Right, Mr. Dumass?

10. Remotely Monitor a Friend’s Webcam
Spy on your best buddy at work through his webcam (think American Pie), record the feed, then show a compilation of his brow-furrowing and nose-picking at the next staff meeting. This is why they like you.

You can do this through remote-monitoring programs, such as WebCam Monitor on Windows; and even do it through an iPhone using Telekinesis, an iPhone app that allows you to take pictures on a Mac laptop using its built-in iSight camera.

But wait, April Fools’ doesn’t end here. If you play tricks on friends or co-workers, take a picture and submit it using this Reddit widget. We’ll feature the top picks in an upcoming gallery.

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